FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1101

Server Muradasilov:

What are the criteria for these levels, the percentage of correct entries?

I've described this strategy in full above, from start to finish.

Check it yourself, because it's a definite job, which I did on my own and without any hints.

However, I still do not use it, because your question was the answer - why?

That is, not a fact.


I've outlined this strategy in full above, from start to finish.

Check it out for yourself, as it is a certain amount of work that I have done myself and without prompting.

However, I don't use it anyway, because your question answered - why?

That is, not a fact.

Wren, the first lawsuit against the Saudis was filed yesterday, your Euro borders will dissolve by Monday
Server Muradasilov:
Wren, the first lawsuit was filed yesterday against the Saudis, your Euro borders will dissolve by Monday.
Top or bottom?
The highs or lows?

I think that it may be over in a week or so. It seems that the movement will start with oil.

Let's see

Who's thinking on Audi for the week?
Who has a view on Audi for the week?


My AUDUSD is down to where I don't know.

Who's thoughts on Audi for the week?

USD Down => Oil Up => Audi and Ruble Down

//if this post is to be believed:

Server Muradasilov:
Wren, yesterday the first lawsuit was filed against the Saudis, your Euro borders, will dissipate by Monday

Buy Yuan (USDCNH we sell), hopefully it will not go up too much this week. The turnover with China was in quid, now it is likely to be in renminbi and roubles. This is a tidy sum....

Accordingly, the quid will inflate and the ruble will get stronger (it will create resistance at the current exchange rate).

МВФ официально включил юань в число резервных валют
МВФ официально включил юань в число резервных валют
  • 2016.10.01
Москва. 1 октября. INTERFAX.RU - Китайская национальная валюта официально включена с 1 октября в корзину резервных валют Международного валютного фонда (МВФ) наряду с долларом, евро, иеной и британским фунтом. Юань будет иметь в корзине вес почти в 11% против 42% у доллара и 31% у евро, свидетельствуют данные на сайте МВФ. На базе корзины...

Buy RMB (USDCNH we sell) better, hopefully not too much higher this week. The turnover with China was in quid, now it is likely to be in renminbi and roubles. This is a tidy sum....

The quid will inflate accordingly

The yuan account will be perfect for a basket of currencies.
Server Muradasilov:
Open an account in yuan, it's perfect for the basket.
It's gonna be a great week. Flights are assured.