FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 987

Movlat Baghiyev:
I need money to live on them for a month... 2-3 thousand dollars is not enough to live on.
the only question is greed... If you earn say, every day, 50 dollars is enough at the current exchange rate. (70 thousand rubles).
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
The question is not about where you are going to place the stop, but where you are going to enter based on what we have now.

I wouldn't go in anywhere else now. I waited till the level of 1.2850-1.2750 and started to buy till 1.3350.


I wouldn't go in anywhere else now. I would wait for 1.2850-1.2750 and then buy up to 1.3350.

And if it doesn't get there? Up to 1.2850.
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
What if it doesn't? At 1.2850.
Then something will go wrong again, like buying from 1.31. And we will have to think. )))) Wednesday will show everything.
Roman Busarov:
it's just a question of greed... If you earn, say, $50 a day, it's enough at the current exchange rate. (70k in wooden money)
The point is that it's much easier to earn 250 every day than to earn 50 every day.
So, something will go wrong again, like with the buying from 1.31. And we will have to think. )))) Wednesday will show everything.

It will be like this somewhere

Maybe even lower, but you have to buy there not till 1.33, but for a very long time, and we will be at the bottom for a long time as well.


It's going to be something like this

maybe lower, but we won't have to buy there until 1.33, but for a very long time, and we'll be on the lows for a long time too.

Well, everyone has an understanding, let's get popcorn and watch

It's going to be something like this

maybe lower, but we won't have to buy there until 1.33, but for a very long time, and we'll be on the lows for a long time too.

Everything is possible. I am not able to forecast the movements less than 450 pips, that is why I do not do it. And we are likely to be on the downside till the euro chif caddy kiwi audi gain enough lows to fall to the dollar. And then yes, there will be a return to 1.3350 at least. And there will be the next signal, either to buy or to sell. We will see there.
Theoretically, the yen signal fits this scheme too, 101-106-101.
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
Well, we've all got it, so let's get our popcorn on and watch.
The hell they have it, who can tell me why I have to buy for a long time?