FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 907

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You're on!!! It's just like that - I know why the sun rises in the morning. And why the grass is green...

Can you believe it? Everybody knows the secret of quotes. But what's in it for you? There are no secrets. There is a law - supply and demand. There's demand - there's a quote. There's supply - same thing. Maybe something else has opened up to him. Like the door of a liquor shop?

Fora cannot merge - it's a law of nature, just like everything else!!! I don't think there's any point in explaining it. Rhetoric.

Go out into the street. There's the word of God being carried to the masses at every turn. And what? Does everyone hear it?

in the universe, material things don't last forever.


This dude's calculations don't match yours or mine.

According to the CFTC, futures positions maintained the general trend during the first week of September:
Euro: net short 93k contracts / against 82k previously. Selling is falling down, but there are no buying.
GBP: net short 90 ths / 92 ths.
Yen: net long 54K / 64K.
Audi: net long 39k / 43k.
Canadian: net long 21k / 22k.

Анализ отчётов COT/CFTC
  • Artrade
По данным CFTC, за первую неделю сентября фьючерсные позиции сохранили общую тенденцию: Евро: чистая короткая 93 тыс. контрактов / против 82 тыс. ранее. Фунт: чистая короткая 90 тыс. / 92 тыс. Иена: чистая длинная 54 тыс. / 64 тыс. Ауди: чистая длинная 39 тыс. / 43 тыс...

In oil, the major stakes are at 50+, there is a level, which seems to be a bounce, at the bottom there are more puts around 44+, maybe we will go there, but how to determine the price will go down or will return to test the upper levels?

But if we pay close attention, the price will be more comfortable at 46.

I am talking to myself))


This dude's calculations don't match yours or mine.

So what's in it for me?)
Karputov Vladimir:

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it's not as easy as it looks. it's not easy at all!

In the universe, material things do not last forever.

Have you ever heard of the law of equilibrium? the universe is not limited to one law. That's why it's the universe.

This dude's calculations don't match yours or mine.

There's a report on the big guys and the traders. There's a report in terms of dealers and hedgers. There's a lot more.
it's not as easy as it looks. it's not easy at all!
The best result is given by this way: Analyse the *.pdf file in Adobe Acrobat, then check and, if necessary, rearrange the tables. Recognise it and send it to Word.

That's how it should be! Attaboy!

Correspondingly, the put calculation is correct.

So, what about the calls?

Personally, when I calculated (2014) - the conclusion is - the price should move exactly to the middle between the biggest volumes of puts (below the current price) and calls (above the current one), on condition that these volumes are approximately equal.

//If it wasn't green, I wouldn't say so.)

Thanks for the kind word, but for calls it is not so straightforward, and the picture somehow merges and blurs, so I even did not dare to put it, well, let's put another picture, it turns out a lot of levels of calls, there are where a little more volume, there are where the larger Eye, but I think not so significant difference between them.