FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 905


I mean, he wrote that you have to

I already thought you did

I didn't.

I remind you that my forecasts are valid for 1-2-3 days or a week at most.

Forecasts for a day, but not for a month, year, five-year plan, 300-year plan....

It's for avoiding misunderstandings with other forecasters.

Thank you!


I know now that the Euro/Doll is in the decline phase from the high of 1.1324

There are 2 spots to watch, 1.1170 and 1.1101

Actually the largest volume and Oi is at 1.10650, we will see if 1.111 or lower, interestingly enough)


Actually the biggest volume and Oi is at 1.10650, let's see if it goes below 1.111, interesting though)

That's how it should be! Well done!

Correspondingly - the calculation on the puts is correct.

So, what about the calls?

When I calculated (2014), the conclusion - the price should move exactly to the middle between the biggest volumes of puts (below the current price) and calls (above the current one), on condition that these volumes are almost equal.

//If it wasn't green, I wouldn't say so.)


Bottom of the pink well predicted)))

tuma_news 2016.09.07 09:08 RU

I get it ready-made already.

The mighty have written from where.

I want to figure out the most mature pair that will give a big move.



My table from the mountains did not match Strenge's.

I don't insist I'm right, because I don't know how the mountains count.

Last week I told Strange that MM himself is scrambling to find the direction because my chart last week showed an increase and the week before it showed a drop.

Thus, MM himself is looking for a profitable position.

MM is not rushing anywhere, because he sees all the limits


and you're counting the dollar? I didn't see it in your table.

Thank you!


Stranger, I am grateful to you and all those who predict and share their views.

But I've been following these reports for a long time. The conclusions I have drawn for myself. The euro/dollar will fall on Monday-Tuesday. Anyway, you should not buy the euro from the market opening.

You do not understand that it is unrealistic to forecast every week and there is no point in doing this kind of work for the weekly forecast.
You don't realise that it's unrealistic to forecast every week once and there's no point in doing that kind of work for the weekly forecast.
I get it)
Karputov Vladimir:
So who wanted to write something there in a *.cvs file, dopisyvat in this file and read from the file? Or is it no longer necessary?

I mean, he wrote that you have to

I already thought you did.


I gave you a price file, there is a date for each. (There are also for 3 more pairs).

You need to programmatically retrieve these numbers from the corresponding DBs. The file is not complete, to check further levels and the correctness of your calculation. (I won't tell you how to do it... ask a trader-programmer) (you can do it semi-automatically ...)

The date and three numbers are written to a .csv file in the same format.

if you can do it I will tell you how to do it =)