FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 902

I knew right away about the mountains, you just wrote that your calculations didn't match up.
Tuma. Show me your calculations. You haven't calculated anything.

I get it ready-made already.

The mighty have written from where.

I want to figure out the most mature pair that will make a big move.

I knew right away about the mountains, you just wrote that your calculations don't match up.

My table from the mountains did not coincide with Strenge's.

I don't insist I'm right, because I don't know how the mountains count.

Last week I told Strenge that MM himself is scrambling to find his direction, because my chart last week showed an increase, but the week before it showed a decrease.

Thus, MM is looking for a profitable position for himself.


I really don't want to burden you with questions, but what is the data in the excel line?
He'll never sell out and the main reason is laziness.

Never is a strong word.

Where's Tol64? That's the dude from this forum. Remember he showed his options calculations once?

Where is he now? Why doesn't he show drawings?

Once the strategy or technology gets out to the masses, forex goes up in flames.


They're totally wrong.)

Why make a mess when there's an official website? I don't get it.

Stranger, I'm grateful to you and everyone else who forecasts and shares their views.

But I've been following these reports for a long time. I've drawn my own conclusions. It is that the Euro/Doll will fall Monday-Tuesday. Anyway, you should not buy Euro from the opening of the market.

I really don't want to burden you with questions, but what is the data in the excel line?

Open the report and compare it with the table of the Strenge, to see what kind of figures it takes in the excel.


Open the report and compare it with the table of the Strenge, to see what kind of figures he is taking into Excel.

Tuma thank you, I want to ask sxww. You misunderstand me (to put it mildly)...))

Does your report suggest that the EUR/USD should be bought?

I mean, is the MM in buying?

It gets interesting when there are different opinions.

I only see 2 levels 1.1110 and 1.1458