FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 901


No, because for all currencies except the ruble the mm are sitting in their comfort zone, in profit i.e. and they don't need to go anywhere, and if they don't need to go anywhere, then why bother.

how do you understand that? i personally have a completely different opinion.

On the last column

audi +3014

euro +11223

ruble -11115

yen +5341

kiwi -3625

pound -15984

chif +4763

cad +4223

Thank you)

Strenger, thank you!

So you're saying our calculations are different? The last column doesn't add up?

If they do not need anything, how do the current movements occur?
Nah, everything has its reasons, let's say the ruble is going up and you want to buy 2000 ruble at 61, there is no dealer, mm takes your 2 thousand, the price goes to 60, someone else "gives" a 1000 ruble and the price goes to 59, there is no counterparty for another 1000 ruble buys and mm takes it too, the price goes down to 58. In this case, the price goes down to 58. "We got a hole" for 4000 contracts and it will definitely win them back, so we look for an entry and take at least 4 points for the ruble to sell, and taking into account the fact that "mm" sold it as good as can be, we take it to the sell for a long time.

Stranger, thank you!

So you're saying our calculations are different? The last column doesn't add up?

It doesn't add up.

Stranger, thank you!

So you're saying our calculations are different? The last column doesn't add up?

Touma. Show me your calculations. You didn't calculate anything.
Guys, and over the summer I've talked several times about how to watch SOT)
Barabashkin, I wonder why they do not ban ----, which comes only for the purpose of ---- and not a word about the market, and me if I call it ---- --- like two fingers)?

Those who share and possess information have always been banned.

The sooner the handicap is leaked, the less popular MT (Metakvotes) will be.

Hence the question - are Metakvotes interested in losing the handicap soon?

Raising a handicap will be when the money to be deposited will be less than the money withdrawing.


Those who share and possess information have always been banned.

The sooner the handicap is leaked, the less popular MT (Metakvotes) will be.

Hence the question - are Metakvotes interested in losing the handicap soon?

The handicap will be drained when the money to deposit will be less than the money of withdrawers.

Never will and the main reason is laziness.
Tuma, where did the figures come from).
Tumka's figures are from the mountains website

May the moderators forgive me

But it doesn't seem quite right to me.

They're totally wrong.)

Why make a mess when there's an official website? I don't get it.