FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 896

The spread is unnecessary and makes no sense whatsoever. Strange knows it by heart.
That's why you should ban those who erase their posts and then you can't prove anything... I think a girl asked him why he put it above the lines, he said he took the spread into account...
That's why you should ban those who erase their posts, then you can't prove anything... A girl asked him why he put a higher line, he said he took the spread into account.
It wasn't his last thought...

There are three figures, how do you calculate the percentage of the total for each?

A sixth-grade Soviet high school textbook.

Why do I need the spread? It plays no role for me, especially on the major pairs.

i can calculate the level of option, but where can i find out how many of them were bought by Mm's and how many by hedgers and how many by bulls? or i don't understand what i'm talking about?
the three figures are where and what figures? i can calculate the level of the option, but where can i find out how many of these stakes are bought by mms and how many by hedgers and how many by bulls? or am i talking about something else, i don't get it
CME bulletins and SOT reports are different chips and are in different places.
CME bulletins and SOT reports are different chips and are in different places.
ok, can you calculate the percentage of mm and bullshit on the sOTs?
Okay, can we go from the cells to the percentages of mm and bullshit?

open any report. sometimes google it. figure out for yourself what the numbers are. i don't have the link handy.

I think Strange's table needs to be counted further. From percentages to targets.

Eventually, we take the last report and we just project, check it out. Conclude.


open any report. sometimes google it. figure out for yourself what the numbers are. i don't have the link handy.

I think Strange's table needs to be counted further. From percentages to targets.

Eventually, we take the last report and we make the predictions, check it out. We draw a conclusion.

What was the last table for which currency pair?
What was the last table for which currency pair?

I would open a rouble first. Still, it is easier to start with a live example.

And then you can do the same on any of your favourites.


I would open a rouble first. It is, after all, easier to start with a live example.

And then you can do the same with any of your favourites.

I mean, which currency pair is considered in the table given by Strange?
I mean, in the table that Strange gave, which currency pair is being considered?
The ruble.