FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 879


Gentlemen, a question:

I opened an account at a bank and I am trading on the plus side.

From what funds will the bank pay me if there are 10 people trading like me.

I do not have any other clients. Thank you!

You do not trade in a bank account.
Server Muradasilov:
I'm not there.

A couple of this girl's posts are worth more than this whole thread, although there's nothing in them about "plans", "buy/sell/close", learn from this.


A couple of this girl's posts are worth more than this whole thread, although there's nothing in them about "plans", "buy/sell/close", learn from this.

Let the state show it.

By the way, sxww, do you have anything to brag about?

Or are we just bouncing around?


A couple of this girl's posts are worth more than this whole thread, although there's nothing in them about "plans", "buy/sell/close", learn from this.

"but still remains unresolved." ....

what a beautiful conclusion!

really worthy of attention


"but still remains unresolved" ....

what a beautiful conclusion!

really worthy of attention

Vadim Shishkin:
Yeah, well...

That she is a hedge whore out there, that's 100%.

Of course, any financial market is first and foremost a risk and one must be able to minimise that risk.

I agree with you 100 percent.

Sold the euro
Vadim Shishkin:

Let the state show it.

By the way, sxww, do you have anything to brag about?

Or are we just bouncing around?

What are you, anyway, to ask me such questions?)

Where the fuck do you morons come from, you want information, and you about the state, you state - you bullshit, one showed me yesterday, so he showed me - let's compete, kids in a sandbox, fuck.


"but still remains unresolved" ....

what a beautiful conclusion!

really worthy of attention

Take a calculator and do the math instead of looking at the ceiling and solving riddles)