FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 874

Server Muradasilov:
Oooh, you've been waiting for me, you'll get your revenge :) . Old one, you can decipher the word "otzmokayu"- I don't speak feni)))

Better you don't ask)))
Server Muradasilov:
Ooh, you've been waiting for me, you'll get your revenge. Old man, you've got to decipher the word "soak". I don't speak flu.)

Me? Go and read about the patsy.)

It's ridiculous to listen to your babbling.

I'll beat you in the demo, but you'll get the hang of it. (I'll rip you like a dog, if you do - I'll tell you my weakness. А ?
I wish you had never asked.)
I knew he would respond to the first post, but you see, he's being rude again.)
1. It's not as good with money as it is bad without it.
2. Adam is the lucky first because he didn't have a mother-in-law.
3. If a problem can be solved with money, it's not a problem, it's an expense.
4. God gave man two ears and one mouth to listen more and talk less.
5. May God keep you from bad women, save yourself from good ones!
6. The wine went in, the mystery came out.
7. God can't be everywhere at once - that's why he made mothers.
8. Don't be sweet - or you will be eaten. Don't be bitter - or they will spit you out.
9. Fear the goat from the front, the horse from the back, the fool from all sides.
10. The guest and the fish start to smell after three days.
11. Knowledge does not take up much space.
12: Better a Jew without a beard than a beard without a Jew.
13. A man should live at least for the sake of curiosity.
14. The deaf man heard the dumb man tell that the blind man saw the lame man running fast.
15. God protects the poor, at least from costly sins.
16. If charity cost nothing - everyone would be philanthropists.
17. When an old maid marries, she immediately turns into a young wife.
18. 18. Parents teach their children to speak and children teach their parents to be silent.
19. From a distance, all people are not bad.
20. Eggs may be much smarter than chickens, but they go rotten fast.
21. Men would do more if women talked less.
22. Being good at keeping quiet is harder than being good at talking.
23. A bad wife is worse than rain: rain drives you into the house, but a bad wife drives you out.
24. The world will disappear not because there are many people, but because there are many non-humans.
25. Lord! Help me to my feet - I can fall myself.
26. If life doesn't change for the better, wait - it will change for the worse.
27. No matter how sweet love is, you can't make compote out of it.
28. When there's nothing to do, take on great things.
29. The pessimist will choose between two evils.
30. Everyone complains about lack of money, but no one complains about lack of intelligence.
31. Whoever has no children, raises them well.
32. It is better to die of laughter than of fear.
33. Experience is the word people use to call their mistakes.
34. Grey hair is a sign of old age, not of wisdom.
35. As one gets older, one sees worse, but more.


No more questions? Then practice on cats.)

And shove that "wisdom" you stole from someone else up your ass.


Ooh, I smell a scam on the Eura...

Stops are not off, hai have not been updated...

Server Muradasilov:

Come on, are you pipsing or is the account swap-free? I didn't ask to see the state )))) Any questions?


Is this a demo?

Server Muradasilov:
I'd rather bet on the demo, but I'd rather not. (I'll rip you like a dog, if you do - I'll tell you my weakness. А ?
You want me in your crew? =)