FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 854

There's no way to explain it to you, you'll have to go through and try it out, they say it's not nice to do...

Naturally I won't listen to you, I don't even want to get involved...

You think very well with a hangover, like I said. Don't like everything in a row. But the North has also hinted that the post-facto is more profitable at times. So I'll check it out today. And yesterday, yes, it was a day about nothing. Here I agree with Myth.
You think very well with a hangover, like I said. Don't like everything in a row. But the North has also hinted that the post-facto is more profitable at times. So I'll check it out today. And yesterday, yes, it was a day about nothing. Here again I agree with Myth.
you about the balance... about the balance?!!! )))
You mean balance... about the balance?!!! )))

OOO, the balance is growing))

Ooh, balance is rising.)
you know what balance i mean, right? )) stop kidding around. How's the market balance? Is it good?
you know what balance i mean, right? )) stop fucking around. How's the market balance there? Good?
Well, the balance is always normal. Put the lock and you'll see the price in the centre of the lock.
The balance is always right. Put the lock and you will see immediately that the price is in the centre of the lock.
You're sneaking around again? )) Is it normal or not? Is there an imbalance in which direction?
You're cheating again, aren't you? )) Is it normal or not? Is there an imbalance? In which direction?

Checking for now.

I'm gonna go pick some mushrooms. The North is right. It's business as usual.



Checking for now.

I'm gonna go pick some mushrooms. The North is right. It's business as usual.

He's gone.

Just like usual! You didn't say anything and you're gone!

Don't pick psilocyber mushrooms
It's very good thinking with a hangover, like I said. Don't like everything in a row. But also North has hinted that post factum is more profitable at times. So I'll check it out today. And yesterday, yes, the day was about nothing. Here I agree with Myth.

Another Alex to Eustace.


Rena, that's the way to do it:

You think very well with a hangover, like I said.

You don't like everything.

But the North has also hinted that the post-facto is more profitable at times.

So I'll check it out today.

And yesterday, yes, the day was about nothing.

Here I agree with Myth.

What's not a tanka? =))))