FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 620


Everybody needs a lot and fast).

The Financial University under the government has suggested a way to restore economic growth within a year or two. To do so, however, it would be necessary to return to the budget policy of the early 1990s and lower the ruble's exchange rate

Read more at RBC:
Правительству предложили восстановить рост ВВП методами 1992 года
Правительству предложили восстановить рост ВВП методами 1992 года
Финансовый университет при правительстве предложил способ восстановить экономический рост в течение одного-двух лет. Для этого, однако, придется вернуться к бюджетной политике начала 90-х годов и снизить курс рубля

Everybody needs a lot and fast).

The Financial University under the government has suggested a way to restore economic growth within a year or two. To do so, however, we would have to return to the budget policy of the early 90s and lower the ruble exchange rate.

Read more on RBC:

There is nothing new here. It's been predictable for a long time.

They adopt a budget in petrodollars, the ruble exchange rate fails, there is not enough dough. They start scouring the bank for money. Back and forth they tried - no one so easily gives, the placement of Eurobonds - also did not work. Naturally - you can only take in the RUSSIAN government-controlled bank, but for this you have to drive in banks "their" people. Well of course this article - a passing option and the money will be taken in rubles, not dollars, so I said in June and the forecast - the rate - 55!!! Rubles are needed, including because sanctions are hanging around on the border with other countries - and this is a factor that strengthens the national currency.


Don't you get it? If you sell, you increase the supply, the price goes down and vice versa?

It is so for the bank, because there is a lot of money there. For the trader, unfortunately, it is the opposite.

EXAMPLE: We go to the bank and buy currency. You accidentally change your mind, you have to give it back, but it is not profitable.

In other words, you have already lost from the start.....

What is this about...
What is this about...

this is the philosophy of any currency exchanger - translate "to exchange" into english

the philosophy is that there cannot be more than 50% of profitable trades

i.e. it is necessary to take this condition for granted and take it into account when considering SOT reports as well

Hence the questions - according to the SOT report are purchases equal to sales, losses greater than profits?

If the latter condition is not met, what should be done about the price?

how does the sot report calculate whether purchases equal sales or not?
but how do you use the sot report to calculate whether purchases are equal to sales or not?
My answer is that they are not equal. You have to count money: volume*price for puts and calls separately, taking into account the bid and ask in the report. Get the difference (the bank spread, is much wider than the forex spread). As a result of these calculations you get 2 current levels - maximum and minimum price spread. That's where the price will run.

Everybody needs a lot and fast).

The Financial University under the government has suggested a way to restore economic growth within a year or two. This, however, would require a return to the fiscal policy of the early 1990s and a weakening of the rouble

Read more at RBC:
With our crooks, no matter what policy we pursue, we'll still end up with a deficit.

When the quid is at a hundred tenge come crying)

I'll send you 50 hryvnias for 50 hryvnias))))


When the quid is at a hundred tenge come crying)

I'll send you 50 hryvnias for 50 hryvnias))))

but it's not September yet...
But the quid is bullshit, what about the prices and who will have jobs and what will be paid there)