FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 591

What can I tell you? I'm not very good at it myself))

1/((strike/1000)+-(premium/100))+forward point=spot price

where to look in reports or at least a link where it is taught to show

Sxww thank you very much! I'll see if I can figure it out)
Yen report on puts
Is it on the past or the new ones?

1/((strike/1000)+-(premium/100))+forward point=spot price

where to look in reports or at least the link where it is taught

(Here's this formula a few pages ago we tried to figure out how to calculate, and in general I'm asking something on the Internet, a lot of information needs to digest my head is getting crowded)) but it's interesting, if only there was time...
We used this formula a few pages ago to figure out how to count, and in general I'm asking something on the Internet, there's a lot of information to digest and my head is spinning)) but it's interesting, if only there was time...
The formula is clear ... I mean the data in the formula ... What lines in the report to consider
The formula is clear ... I'm talking about the data in the formula ... What lines in the report to consider
I'm a lousy teacher, left strike is in the middle set price column it seems like a premium but to find out forward point it looks like you need to be registered on cme, I can't understand anything about months of numbers, and the formula is not clear to the end I just read it, for euro fx they write strike divided by 1000 premium multiplied by 10 and added, so I'd better ask those who understand it myself)))
I'm a lousy teacher, left strike is in the middle of the bar set price seems to be a premium but to find out forward point it seems necessary to cme understand it, about months of numbers I can not get to the end, and the formula is not clear to the end, just read it here for euro fx write strike divided by 1000 premium multiplied by 10 and add, so I'd better ask those who understand it, because I got lost in it all)))
And then the Old Man says ask questions, take an interest, but he has plenty of water in his mouth))
And then the Old One says, "Ask me if you're interested, but he's full of water")

Have you been googled?

Как расчитывать опционные уровни CME
Как расчитывать опционные уровни CME
  • 2015.07.11
  • Server Muradasilov
Ссылка на страницу с отчетами — Как видите, по ссылке располагается очень много отчетов по самым разным инструментам. Нам...

Have you been googled?

Thank you. (chuckles)
I'm a lousy teacher, on the left is strike in the middle is a set price column, it seems the premium, but to find out forward point it seems necessary to be registered on cme, about months of numbers I do not understand the end, and the formula is not clear to the end, I read it here for euro fx: strike is divided by 1000 premium multiplied by 10 and added, so I better ask those who understand it, because I myself get lost in it all)))