FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 517

I wonder )))) will the pound go up and what will Strange say ))))? as always bare-assed )))))) and me what I have in the boo already standing ))))) run on or something like that)))
looking for a spot for the village...
Roman Busarov:
looking for a point for the village...
He seems to have shown us what to look for as well)))
I wonder if the pound will go up and what will Strange say? Probably the same as always bare-assed)))))) What about me I already had in the boo )))))) Run on or something)))
Because you're a fool. For 20 faggots? Stupid and therefore bare-assed.
I think he showed her what to look for as well)))
He hinted to you near 1.50 to sell, but said that the level won't tell. And he did the right thing. Keep running and yapping.
He hinted to you near 1.50 about selling, but said he would not say the level. And rightly so. Keep running and yapping.
You are an old weirdo, I am on your side and you seem to be senile ... confused))) You gave them the last drawing and said 1.32 is a good sales target. That's what I'm talking about.

you were even given this screen earlier... and by a strange coincidence today the price went off from... (find it on the screenshot) ... and then think about how long before the expiry and what happened at that level...

ok, i'm going to go get a beer and some ribs...

Told you it would))) So it did))
I think you're getting senile.) You gave them the last drawing and said 1.32 is a good sales target. That's what I'm saying.
He does not scold for nothing, if you do not understand, only he and his best friend are on his side, everyone else is on the other side.

Strange that always when Strange drew the patterns))) and shows everything happens the other way round))) He said that 1.3200 is a good place to sell)), and here he is)) What is it about?

Where has everyone disappeared to))))