FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 455


I'm going to get...

I want to "disappear" it for two weeks. Any thoughts?

Gentlemen, hello there! )

I hasten to announce the good news in the drawing)))

Thank you!


Although maybe 1.1018 to go))))

Thank you!


please correct the script for closing all orders in an account...

//|                                               CloseAllOrders.mq4 |
//|                       Copyright © 2008, PRMQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                   |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, PRMQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
//| EX4 imports                                                      |
#include <stdlib.mqh>
//| global variables to program:                                     |
double Price[2];
int    giSlippage;
bool   CloseOpenOrders = true;
//| script program start function                                    |
void start() {
  int iOrders=OrdersTotal()-1, i;
  if(CloseOpenOrders) {
    for(i=iOrders; i>=0; i--) {
      if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES) && (OrderType()<=OP_SELL) && GetMarketInfo() && !OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Price[1-OrderType()],giSlippage)) Print(OrderError());
//| Function..: OrderError                                           |
string OrderError() {
  int iError=GetLastError();
  return(StringConcatenate("Order:",OrderTicket()," GetLastError()=",iError," ",ErrorDescription(iError)));
//| Function..: GetMarketInfo                                        |
bool GetMarketInfo() {
  double dPoint=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT);
  if(dPoint==0) return(false);
  return(Price[0]>0.0 && Price[1]>0.0);
Fucking hell, successful intraday traders, I sold a buckscade, it went up and closed with a good profit, no problem to follow the price, they take all the moves, the euro is 30 pips down in 30 seconds, ugh, do not you feel sick to read your own nonsense.

Painted the fucking roof almost a week ago, no, run every day, I sold, I bought

Fucking hell, successful intraday traders, sold buckskad, it rushed up and closed with a good profit, no problem following the price, taking all movements, the euro is 30 seconds later 30 pips down, ugh, aren't you sick of reading your bullshit yourself.

Strange ??? Hi there !!!

You sold a buck/cad and at the top you closed it with a profit ? Wonders....

How so ?

I have no idea what to do with these guys.

Fucking hell, successful intraday traders, sold buckscade, it went up and closed with a good profit, no problem to follow the price, take all the moves, the euro is 30 pips down in 30 seconds, ugh, do not you feel sick to read your own nonsense.
Новогодняя песня про зайцев
Новогодняя песня про зайцев
  • 2010.12.23
  • Музыкальный видеоклип Монтаж Елены Молчановой (mol4alena). Моя партнерская программа VSP Group. Под...

Painted the fucking roof a week ago almost, no, run every day, I sold, I bought

No, Strange...

It's not going down now (right now).

Better at 1.1051, put a buy pause to 1.1145/90. And you don't have to. (I don't force anyone, as you know. I don't).

Thank you!


Myth said he sold Audi from 7580, why look up?