FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 403

everybody asleep? =))) you can sleep through all the money...
Roman Busarov:

closed 70% of the longs (pound) 1.48 =) and now let's dock at 52+ =)

people... did you have such a quotidian???

1.4840 was
A new milestone in market analysis:

The calm before the storm

I want to take the bric-a-brac, but I have my doubts.

I want to take Zarik on the buy, but I have my doubts, what do you think?

That's it. Up on the fence and watch the show.

I'd say you should give it a whack...:

Thank you

I'll put down 14.0976.


there's the BOGUZ...

They lowered their leverage, and today they fled altogether:

Chif to get them all on their backs ...

after the bankruptcy of the great british part of the alps, they are BEAUTIFUL=)

They lowered their leverage, and today they fled altogether:

Cheefe to sic on them all ...

They lowered the leverage a couple of days ago. They warned about close only, too. The only thing left unanswered is when they'll bring it all back.

The leverage was lowered a couple of days ago. And they warned about close only too. The only thing that's still unanswered is when they're gonna bring it back.

on Sunday, to be exact...

and they didn't close trade until today...