FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 260


I understand that it is much more interesting when the horses die every day by the packs, to no avail, but a lot of running and shouting).

Sensei, if you're going to talk about CDs, I'll listen, no, I'm off)

I reached my intellectual ceiling back in pioneer camp ))))
Then tell me about the CDs!


here's the Disc! in the vicinity of the horizontal - vertical red - intersections. Builds a disc with two peaks - which will be - and it doesn't matter which is earlier in the price.

here's the disc that has worked - the forecasts for the disc are turquoise! (only turquoise no other colour will do)


here's the Disc! in the vicinity of the horizontal - vertical red - intersections. Builds a disc with two peaks - which will be - and no matter which is earlier in the price.

here's the disc that's worked out - the forecasts for the disc are turquoise! (only turquoise no other colour will do)

But that's not what you said a year ago about discs !!!
But that's not what you said about the rims a year ago !!!
these work better)))
Then tell me about the rims!

(only turquoise no other colour will do)

Tantric you have the colour of the stripes blue, maybe that's why they don't work well. )))




Tantric, your stripes are blue, maybe that's why they don't work properly. )))



Here's a risk I bought - if it goes down 10-15 pips. i'll take a sell - drive to 1.1399 - i'll close the sell there. (but I am not risking anything).

I will go to ))))))))))))) - DeepSkyBlue

You'd better do TA!

Hi all... it's been a while since I've posted here... what's new with you guys?? I'm sick (==