The oil issue ... - page 15

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I don't care if it's universal.)

There you go, the main thing is to know where you are overbought and oversold :)

I share the views with many of the blogger's conclusions.

Please don't consider this an advertisement. A little excursion into very recent history, just the topic of the day on oil.

Nikolay Demko:
There you go, the main thing is to know where you are overbought and oversold :)

The main thing is to know what the market has its eye on

Книга: Шерше ля нефть
Книга: Шерше ля нефть
  • Стариков Николай
У каждого времени свои главные вопросы. Какой вопрос самый актуальный сегодня? Ответить сможет каждый, кто хоть раз выступит перед аудиторией в любом уголке нашей страны. Существуют проблемы местного значения, но стоит только начать говорить о России, о трудностях и задачах, стоящих перед всей страной, как этот самый актуальный вопрос сразу...
Interesting article:Oil prices
Цены на нефть - spydell
Цены на нефть - spydell
Одним из самых распространенных объяснений падения цен на нефть являются действия Саудовской Аравии, которая якобы борется за долю на рынке, пытаясь вытеснить преимущественно американские сланцевые проекты с высокими затратами. Такое смелое заявление не только показывает презрительное пренебрежение элементарной логикой, но и дешифрует...
Anatoli Kazharski:
Interesting article:Oil prices

another "echsperd" ....

"Following this paradoxical logic, it turns out that the savages in Saudi Arabia can control world oil prices, while the US and Russia, which produce about the same amount, cannot. In fact, Saudi Arabia's ability to influence world prices is the same as Russia's, in that it has virtually none." (с)

Who cares how much oil a country produces? What matters is how much oil it exports, and the US didn't export oil at all until 2015.

The Saudis export 26% more oil than Russia (2012).



We remember. The most important "echsperd" here is you. Too bad you don't write articles, you just pick your nose (take it out of context). ;)

Anatoli Kazharski:

We remember. You are the most important "echsperd" here. Too bad you don't write articles, you just pick your nose (take it out of context). ;)

Well, if it only dawned on "echsperd" in early 2016 that the Saudis lowered the price of oil for a reason and not just because of shale oil, then it is certainly a great discovery, worthy of an article.......
Well, if it only dawned on "echsperd" in early 2016 that the Saudis lowered the price of oil for a reason and not just because of shale oil, then surely that is a great discovery, worthy of an article.......

Well, here we are, waiting for an article from an "echsperd" with a higher status, i.e. you. )

You could even just do a detailed analysis of the article on that link. What I agree with and what I disagree with, and why (?) So to speak, an alternative opinion.

Any such article is simply a supposition and a personal view of the author of the article on the current situation. It is desirable that the article contains some data, charts, references to sources, etc.

It would be interesting to hear your arguments as to why you believe that your opinion is the absolute truth? So, so far, all you've given is "boo-boo" and nothing else.

Or at least links to those articles that you yourself believe to be 100% correct. That would be really more interesting than making yourself out to be an "echsperd" with a higher status, as you tirelessly demonstrate. ))