Why do 95% of traders lose? - page 14

Instead of developing ourselves, all we do is criticize someone, chew up what we can't digest, and look for excuses on the side. When are we going to grow up and take responsibility and act? You know, if we're in the same line of reasoning as the rest of the threads, it means that we are in line with the majority of the threads.
Izzatilla Ikramov:
Instead of developing ourselves, all we do is criticize someone, chew up what we can't digest, and look for excuses on the side. When are we going to grow up and take responsibility and act? You know, if we're in the same line of reasoning as the others in this thread, it means we are in line with most of the others in this thread.
What kind of responsibility are you talking about! Brokers are crooks!
Alexey Busygin:
What kind of responsibility are you talking about! Brokers are crooks!

What broker didn't give back what he earned?

And why work if you know your broker is a cobbler?!

and he's also a crook and he thinks he's a bigger crook than the broker
Alexander Bereznyak:
and he's a crook, too, and he thinks he's a bigger crook than the broker.
That's right, that's what it's all about.
Petros Shatakhtsyan:
And for some reason everyone seems to think that tax officials or investigators are unaware of these holes. :)

What "everyone" is that for? If you knew how much slag is dumped on firms by controlling agencies that think they are clever...
The guys from the Department for Economic Crimes have a tough time dealing with economic crimes because "it's not easy for us, and they can draw whatever they want but if you give a bribe-taker, we will make it happen in a jiffy"... Brains cost money.
And I'm talking about legitimate methods, not all sorts of...

How long have you been trading?

I have been on the platform for 11 months. The second mate has been on the platform for half a year - the one who earns less and loses more, but he has an eccentric temperament. And the other one, maybe a little longer than mine, I don't know exactly. I met him when he was already trading. Why?


Judging from the comments

People have emotions in trading. And the books say that the main thing in trading is emotions, not strategy.

But when a robot trades - it has no emotions, only strategy. That's the funny opposite of methods =)

Emotions, greed, excitement must be excluded. Coolness and composure are the key to success.
Olga Kochergenko:
Emotions, greed, excitement must be excluded. Coolness and composure are the key to success.

Lyrics, lyrics, lyrics..........
