There is a virtual stop. Question: can the DC make an anti-virtual stop... - page 4

So there is still much to learn and strive for! Go for it! Naturally, it takes time. It may take a year, it may take two years... You need to get that understanding of the market and experience so you don't feel cheated... to feel that it's you who's in control, not them!!! Starting from that point everything will come!!!

The main thing is not to give up!!!

Z.U. But at the learning stage, it's better to use cent accounts...
"to feel that it's you who's in control, not them!!!" - You'd better learn to control yourself....Progress is certainly there, but not long enough to be patient...
Alexey Volchanskiy:
As the Tao Kokao teachings of the venerable Sri Yaputra say, "Don't swim with the current, don't swim against the current, swim where you need to go!"
Thanks to Yaputra - enlightening and inspiring for logging - "you have to chop wood" - or as in another anecdote... - there's nothing to think about - you have to shake a palm tree
Сергей Криушин:
"To feel that you are in control, not them!!!" - You'd better learn to control yourself... Progress is certainly there, but you don't have patience for long...
The interesting thing is that under proper trading conditions, your risks may be equal to 0. But 90% of brokers, such conditions are not willing to provide, because your profit is their loss. Although they can easily recoup this loss, they still prefer not to share.
Alexey Busygin:
The best part is, with the right trading conditions, your risks can be 0. But 90% of brokers are not willing to provide such conditions, because your profit is their loss. Although they can easily return this loss, they still prefer not to share.
You see, they have all the trump cards in their hands and they know that it cannot last forever ... so they squeeze as much as they can ... And who wants to be a middleman in the trade all their lives...
Yury Kirillov:

Some do!

Superficially, about the basics of market architecture.

But do you need this knowledge?

Very insightful information! Thank you! It would be a good place to start, not with warnings about the risks, which only removes all responsibility for swindling people who are tempted to get rich quick. Unfortunately, all this is sooner or later understood by many, but it is withheld in order to continue the roundabout business that gives some, but a profit! Personally, I realised long ago what the "counterpart" was against my position, so I paid more attention to inventing all sorts of tricks against it than to trends. A kind of sporting interest, nothing more. I regret that I have not found a worthy alternative to this occupation, as I have no hope of changing anything in this far from peaceful world.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
As the teachings of the Tao Kokao by the venerable Sri Yaputra say, "Don't swim with the current, don't swim against the current, swim where you need to go!"
why swim.... there is no river, there is no boat. And there is no need to come somewhere. There is no need to look for something that doesn't exist. Amen.
Very insightful information! Thank you! That should have been the starting point, not the warnings about the risks, which only remove any responsibility for defrauding those who are tempted to make a quick buck. Unfortunately, all this is sooner or later understood by many, but it is withheld in order to continue the roundabout business that gives some, but a profit! Personally, I realised long ago what the "counterpart" was against my position, so I paid more attention to inventing all sorts of tricks against it than to trends. A kind of sporting interest, nothing more. I regret that I have not found a worthy alternative to this activity, because I have no hope of changing anything in this far from peaceful world.
It is possible to change if everyone is pressed and made to work for real ... and not formally for a tick, as the whole bureaucracy works now and even before ....
Alexander Ivanov:
why swim.... no river, no boat, no need to go somewhere. There's no need to look for something that isn't there. Amen.
Yeah, sit back and watch your dream boat go by... on a silver platter...))
Сергей Криушин:
Yes, sit back and see...the yacht of your dreams sail by.... in a silver platter...))
why wait for the yacht that sails your dream. Deception and the steam of an excited mind-soul. Nothing is golden in dreams and peace of mind. Amen.
If I can't earn bread, I shouldn't dream about yachts. One should dream - to earn money for bread. When the bread flows constantly, you can start saving. Amen.