There is a virtual stop. Question: can the DC make an anti-virtual stop...

There is a virtual stop. Question: can a DC make an anti-virtual stop programme...

In general, the work of a DC is a dark forest or black box... will there ever be a ray of light in their realm...

It seems easier to win in a casino or betting league than with them... or they rake everything out before they die... honestly don't want to live... or can't...
Сергей Криушин:
There is a virtual stop. Question: can a dealer make an anti-virtual stop program...

In general, the work of a DC is a dark forest or black box...will there ever be a ray of light in their realm...

It seems easier to win in a casino or betting league than with them...or they scrape out everything before they die...honestly do not want to live...or they cannot...
Were you forced into the FOREX?
Have you been forcibly "dragged" to the FOREX?

The question can be rephrased in two ways ))

1. I do not succeed in trading, it's all the fault of DC, fate, green men, etc. - Insert the appropriate code.

I want to fool the kitchen, and it does not allow - no need to trade in kitchens.

Сергей Криушин:
There is a virtual stop. Question: can a DC make an anti-virtual stop program...

In general, the work of a DC is a dark forest or black box...will there ever be a ray of light in their realm...

In a casino or betting league it seems easier to win than with them...or they rake everything out before they die...honestly don't want to live...or can't...
Sure, they'll hire the best programmers to take your hundred quid. DCs are like that... )))
Were you forced into FOREX?
No Gambling, but I want more clarity - I know it can't be, but still...I hope...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

The question can be rephrased in two ways ))

1. I do not succeed in trading, it's all the fault of DC, fate, green men, etc. - Insert the appropriate code.

I want to fill a kitchen, and it does not give - no need to trade in the kitchens.

The second or rather - does not work - here in the mind I understand, but still fail, the main thing in the beginning it worked... I am not sure what to do with it...
I've been working for many years, but I came to the conclusion a long time ago that everything depends on the trader, not on the brokerage company.
yerlan Imangeldinov:
I have been working for many years, but I came to the conclusion a long time ago that everything depends mainly on the trader, not on the DC.
There are a lot of unlimited opportunities for a broker - just hope for their kindness... And although they don't force them, but there's something that attracts lots of "hamsters" - without whom there wouldn't be any kitchens ... I've been lucky enough to get away from a lot of thieves... I've seen the obvious deception... but here it's not... all noble...
Сергей Криушин:
Dz has a lot of unlimited possibilities for nothing - one only hopes for their kindness... And although they don't force you, there is something that attracts a lot of what they call "hamsters" - without whom there would be no kitchens... I've been lucky enough to get away from a lot of thieves... I've seen the obvious deception... but here, it's all very respectable...
"A virtual stop is pure evil... if you've been pulled over by a real stop, you can at least dispute the fact, but a virtual stop is like honey... there it is and there it isn't.
Who gives a shit about your feet?
Who gives a shit about your feet?
Quite specifically - and fanning your toes...