Forex dealers to stop operating in Russia after the New Year - page 10


So the ISPs will identify the IPs of forex forum members and disconnect them from the internet?

Fucking..... they don't have a cross on them

Do you think you can get online any other way? Logically, it's as simple as that.
Guys, don't bullshit, taxes will be paid by the broker and you will be paying him with commission, spreads, etc.
Guys, don't bullshit, taxes will be paid by the broker and you will be paying him with commission, spreads, etc.
what hole are you escaping from the leprosarium through?
What hole are you escaping from the leprosarium through?

Wipe that snot off, little man, yeah)))

You'd better come to us, we need a GURA.)

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение). - Страница 1306 - Категория: общее обсуждение

There is no role for call centres, representative offices and other bullshit.

The main and most important role is to whom do clients transfer money?

Clients have to transfer money to a Russian company, and it has to pay taxes to the Russian budget: that's what it's all about. This is the only thing that plays a role, not call centres, representative offices and other nonsense.

And if someone buys something from Aliexpress? Does Aliexpress now have to pay taxes to Russia?
In short, it's all clear, you can relax.

Wipe that snot off, little man, yeah)))

Come and join us, we need a GURA.))

Bunny, why didn't you pick me?
Alexey Busygin:
Isn't there a payout for losing, or at least for patriotism? Pension reform, you can make contributions to non-governmental funds. You might as well make contributions to a deposit with capitalization. By the time you reach retirement age, the dividends will be much higher than the pension from these funds. And it brings all of this reform to naught. That is another deception of the population by the state and the banking sector. Only it has another name and is legalized by law. If one digs into all this economic nonsense, it becomes scary. New economic figures, go on the old way №90. Only now they, along the way are still mangling the nets.
About pensions and non-state funds - things are tight there in general... The funded part is frozen now... I do not quite understand then, what is the point of luring people to non-state funds during the freeze, if the money is not transferred there anyway!

Further. Non-state funds have no right to invest in high-risk assets. But at the same time they can transfer your savings to some random asset management company! Several funds have already been closed under this tune. On top of that, non-state funds can only trade with us. Access to external sites is closed to them! In a word, no matter what fund you invested in, it will hardly cover even the inflation, and it is now rampant!!!

So it is easier to take your dough, throw in a Foric and go ahead Well, of course after all these new laws on the market are settled

How can she do this?

In what way?

For example, China bans pyramid schemes and has a firewall. And yet they somehow manage to trade on forex
Dmitry Fedoseev:
What if someone bought something from Aliexpress? Does Aliexpress now have to pay taxes to Russia?
I think they can only ban the use of Aliexpress in the country... But who will do that and why?! It's the same with dealers.

It doesn't really matter who you sold to. What matters is that you made a profit. All this was reflected in the bank account. If more came in than went out - so help me pay the taxes and live in peace.) Unless, of course, the dealer's purpose of payment will not indicate something like "a gift to you for luck," and gifts, as you know, are not taxed. You will pay them in the country where you are registered. Another question is how you will substantiate your income? How will you prove it? An account statement?