Forex dealers to stop operating in Russia after the New Year - page 9

What's all this about taxes? That is not the question. If our DCs close in January, they will close with our money. Here we should not get caught. And taxes let them sort it out themselves.
Alexandr Murzin:
What is all this about taxes? That is not the question. If our brokerage companies will be closed in January, they will be closed with our money. Here we do not want to get into trouble. And taxes let them sort it out themselves.

The DC is registered offshore - why would it close in January?

Who can close it offshore?


We need a weak ruble to execute the budget...

Who will buy the rouble? I'm thinking about how to organise buying ADRs with leverage, because the rates there are much lower...

For now, the rouble will walk in a corridor, just as before, only it is wider. At the beginning of the year they promised an average price of 60 per dollar by the end of the year - they have roughly delivered.

To execute the budget, we need an expensive oil price, not a weak rouble. Falling oil is primarily caused by speculative actions, and the same actions can raise the price.


The DC is registered offshore - why would it close in January?

Who can close it offshore?

The Russian Federation, they can cut off access for their fellow citizens to the DC's services, everyone else should not actually be affected.
Alexey Busygin:
Isn't there a payout for losing or at least for patriotism? Here is pension reform, you can make deductions to non-public funds. Might as well make contributions to a deposit with capitalization. By retirement age, the dividends will be an order of magnitude higher than the pension from these funds. And it brings all this reform to naught. That is another deception of the population by the state and the banking sector. Only it has another name and is legalized by law. If one digs into all this economic nonsense, it becomes scary. New economic figures, go on the old way №90. Only now they, along the way, are still mangling the nets.

This is not a kindergarten! You take your chances at your own will! Advertising links are not accepted!

This is not a kindergarten! You take your chances at your own will! Links to advertisements are not accepted!
What Links? This is an outside observer's opinion!
Alexey Busygin:
The Russian Federation, they can cut off their fellow citizens' access to the DC services everyone else should not actually be affected.

How can she do this?

In what way?

Alexey Busygin:
What Links? This is an outside observer's opinion!
Behind every offer of the financial institutions is a tramp (trap). How all contracts have little letters (not for rose-tinted glasses).

How can she do this?

In what way?

Silently! All your addresses have long been fixed by your ISPs, so they can isolate whoever they want, whenever they want, even hiding it won't help. So the iron curtain on the internet has been in place for a long time. Both for you and for us.
Alexey Busygin:
Silence! All your addresses, long ago fixed by your ISPs, so they can isolate whoever and whenever they want, even hiding won't help. So there's an iron curtain on the internet for a long time now. Both for you and for us.

So the ISPs will identify the IPs of forex forum members and disconnect them from the internet?

Fucking..... they don't have a cross to bear.