I ask, you answer only in substance - page 8

Alexey Busygin:

I see all the gems of the forum are here! Well, how could it be without me!

1) The Moscow Exchange opens at 1 minute of the first day of the week. Brokers open their trades depending on which exchange they trade on. My trading usually starts at 3am, which tells me that my broker trades on the European market.

2) I certainly don't trade there.

3) No, it's not a scam! They have a specific goal, and that goal is to raise maximum capital. There is one simple rule, who keeps the money, manages it.

4) Leverage is a very good thing and the bigger the leverage, the better for the trader. Leverage can be viewed, from many different perspectives. I like the one where the tail controls the dog.

So, as a broker provides his capital, you have an opportunity to influence your broker, who, in turn, has the opportunity to influence the market. And from that, let everyone draw their own conclusion.

5) A broker is chosen based on the trading conditions it offers. There are no absolutely good and bad, there are only conditions with which you agree to trade with this or that broker.

The kitchens, are the brokers who start breaking their own rules, just to prevent the trader from earning.

You are simply the most brilliant person on this forum

Go to read only for one week.

Read the forum, the articles, the discussions - there are plenty of them. Then ask questions.

If you post before next Monday you will be banned.

I take this opportunity to ask the esteemed moderators once again - where can I read the rules of the forum? To my previous enquiries about the rules I have not received an answer. Thank you.

I would laugh with you too if I were in your shoes! But I like mine better it's warmer.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
I would like to take this opportunity to once again ask the esteemed moderators - where can I read the rules of the forum? I have not received an answer to my previous requests for the rules. Thank you.
In the basement of the site, the Terms of Use link.
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Условия использования вебсайта MQL5.community и различных сервисов для трейдеров.
Alexey Busygin:
I'd laugh with you too, if I were you! But I like my own, it's warmer.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... They're moving the markets around with the centenarians. They're bigwigs, aren't they? Stock market sharks, I'd say!


Yeah, yeah, yeah... They're moving the markets around with the centenarians. They're bigwigs, aren't they? Stock market sharks, I'd say!

You just don't know how to achieve your goals. And that cent, that's the beauty of it, is that out of 100$ became 100000$. And you'll make $0 out of $100 in your lifetime because you're limited by skepticism.
Anatoli Kazharski:
In the footer of the site, the link Terms of Use.

Thanks, but these aren't forum rules, they're terms of use of the site in a fairly general form. There's not a word in the terms and conditions about the various bans that are tacitly practiced on the forum and for which you can get banned. That's a bad thing. It's like playing cards with rules that are unknown and can be changed by the croupier at any time. For example, I have had posts deleted many times without any explanation, it is not known who deleted them or why. This is despite the fact that I'm a polite person and try to follow even these unformulated forum rules as far as I'm concerned.

In short, as a programmer accustomed to thinking logically and observing the prescribed rules, I'd like to read the rules of forum postings. I think such a document would be useful to everyone and improve the quality of forum postings.


Please comment on clause 4.3 of the Terms of Use of the site.

4.3 Users shall not post or send via/through mql5.com any materials advertising any goods or services without the prior written consent of MQL5 Ltd.

The user agrees not to use the Site to advertise or otherwise promote any goods or services in any form.

Looking at the feed, we see one advertisement. I doubt that all advertisers have received written permission fromMQL5 Ltd.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Thanks, but these aren't forum rules, they're terms of use of the site in a fairly general form. There's not a word in the terms and conditions about the various bans that are tacitly practiced on the forum and for which you can get banned. That's a bad thing. It's like playing cards with rules that are unknown and can be changed by the croupier at any time. For example, I have had posts deleted many times without any explanation, it is not known who deleted them or why. This is despite the fact that I'm a polite person and try to follow even these unformulated forum rules as far as I'm concerned.

In short, as a programmer accustomed to thinking logically and observing the prescribed rules, I'd like to read the rules of forum postings. I think such a document would be useful to everyone and improve the quality of forum postings.


Please comment on clause 4.3 of the Terms of Use of the site.

User shall not post or send via/through mql5.com any materials advertising any goods or services without the prior written consent of MQL5 Ltd.

The user agrees not to use the Site to advertise or otherwise promote any goods or services in any form.

Looking at the feed, we see one advertisement. I doubt that all advertisers have received written permission fromMQL5 Ltd.

Blogs are the only place where you can do something - you want to cut off this air to people )))). . You can't be too picky about the terms, Metacquotes do a lot at their discretion, it's their right.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

For example, I have had posts deleted many times without any explanation, it is not known who deleted them and why. This is despite the fact that I am a polite person and try to follow even these unformulated forum rules, as far as I understand them.

In short, as a programmer accustomed to thinking logically and observing the prescribed rules, I'd like to read the rules of forum postings. I think such a document would be useful to everyone and would improve the quality of forum postings.

Alexei, if it was deleted - so it's necessary to take it into account, let everything remain as it is, at the discretion of moderators, admins. If everything is formulated and spelled out, that's where it will start - everyone who is not lazy will be poking at these rules, and a lot of threads will be opened with smearing "snot" in at least ten pages, then will come sympathizers, and all sorts of detractors, and those who want to gossip)))
Server Muradasilov:
Blogs are the only place where anything can be done - you want to cut off this air for people too )))). . Why are you picking on the terms, the methaquots do a lot at their discretion, it's their right.

Are you feeling all right? If you are well, read the beginning of the rules discussion at https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/66827/page8#comment_2030378.

I'm amazed at people who are willing to take a phrase out of context and start excitedly shaking it like a red rag.)

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