I ask, you answer only in substance - page 7

Ruslan Ibragimov:
Wow, I'm not in the loop, what are the bans and why can't they be discussed, that's the most important part .
Because it's not us the Metacquotes are making money off of, it's the brokers. So they don't get offended.
Dear Ruslan, the most important thing in trading is a good trading system... Preferably your own.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Only one thing can be 100% guaranteed - we will all die one day ))

15-20% per month is realistic if handled manually.

1. But we do not know when we will die. So we are immortal. No one, for example, will be able to bring the news of my death to me. This is what nature (Allah, the Almighty) has taken care of.

2. But 10-15% a month is not just a little, it is the top of the line. Ruslan can't set his sights on that yet.

Roman Myrav'yev:
Monday, 1 a.m.
Some brokers start at 12:00 Moscow time
the market is open seven days a week.
Yes, that's true, but not everyone knows that. Many live within the confines of the DTs
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

1. But we do not know when we will die. So we are immortal. No one, for example, will be able to bring the news of my death to me. Nature (Allah, the Almighty) has taken care of that.

2. But 10-15% a month is not just a little, it is the height of skill. Ruslan shouldn't be able to do that yet.

A fortune-teller predicted Pushkin's death at 37, and Lermontov's at 27. http://www.vserinki.ru/forever/mag.html
Гадалка предсказала Пушкину смерть в 37, а Лермонтову – в 27. Программирование или неизбежность?
  • www.vserinki.ru
Людям всегда было свойственно стремление узнать, что же там, за гранью настоящего? Поэтому профессия гадалок и предсказателей будущего была востребована в прошлом так же, как и в наши дни. С течением лет появилось много способов определения грядущего: гадание по картам, гадание на кофейной гуще, предсказание будущего при помощи карт Таро и т.п...
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

1. But, we don't know - when we die. Therefore, we are immortal. No one, for example, will be able to convey the news of my death to me. Nature (Allah, the Most High) has taken care of that.

2. But 10-15% a month is not just a little, it is the height of skill. Ruslan shouldn't be able to do that yet.

What kind of "top skill"? No beginner would be flattered by such a pittance.

He will with aplomb declare, "I asked for an answer on the merits, and you gave me the wrong advice.

Real Jedi don't make less than 50% a month.


I see all the gems of the forum are here! Well, how could it be without me!

1) The Moscow Exchange opens at 1 minute of the first day of the week. Brokers open their trades depending on which exchange they trade on. My trading usually starts at 3am, which tells me that my broker trades on the European market.

2) I certainly don't trade there.

3) No, it's not a scam! They have a specific goal, and that goal is to raise maximum capital. There is one simple rule, who keeps the money, manages it.

4) Leverage is a very good thing and the bigger the leverage, the better for the trader. Leverage can be viewed, from many different perspectives. I like the one where the tail controls the dog.

So, as a broker provides his capital, you have an opportunity to influence your broker, who, in turn, has the opportunity to influence the market. And from that, let everyone draw their own conclusion.

5) A broker is chosen based on the trading conditions it offers. There are no absolutely good and bad, there are only conditions with which you agree to trade with this or that broker.

The kitchens, are the brokers who start breaking their own rules, just to prevent the trader from earning.

Ruslan Ibragimov:
Wow, I'm not in the loop, what are the bans and why can't they be discussed, that's the most important part .

Go to read only for one week.

Read the forum, the articles, the discussions - there are plenty of them. Then ask questions.

If you post before next Monday you will be banned.

Alexey Busygin:

Because a broker provides you with capital, you have the ability to leverage your broker, who in turn has the ability to influence the market.