Code Base licences - page 5

Nikolay Demko:

Are you sure that nothing from the kotobase and the articles apply to the marketplace?

I'm not sure.

I haven't thought about it and don't care. The divide between resourcefulness and cleverness is something many people don't feel.
Joo Zepper:

It's all "on honour, on conscience..." thinking. It is just a question of making sure that the licences are clear.

The current reality is that some firms have their income solely from litigation. And not only firms, but also individuals are not squeamish to run through the courts to get another thousand dollars.

Look at an elementary example - car lawyers and "long-liquidators". Their activities are based on imperfect contractual agreements between the parties. And as long as we are talking about penny orders in vreelancers and marketplace plumers, then nothing bad will happen to anyone. But it may well happen that someone will think to sue MQ, and they can already be charged not a penny, and that's where the one who was lucky enough to download the code from the database "will be caught", since according to the agreement, the MQL5 website user is responsible in such cases....

I do not think that they will go through the files. But they should sell theirs so they don't have to worry, save money and, most importantly, health!
I haven't thought about it and don't care. The divide between resourcefulness and gadiness is something many people don't feel.
"It's never too early to think about it, and it's never too late" (c).
Nikolay Demko:
"It's never too early to think about it, and it's never too late" (c).
I certainly don't need to, as I don't trade except in the terminal on the broker's terms and conditions.
Joo Zepper:

And your first impression is wrong - I give the customer the source code, not the finished compiled product.

Why give the customer the source code?
I don't think they will go through the files. But they should sell their own so they don't have to worry, save money and, most importantly, health!
What's the difference if all the codes are written according to the same template...or does someone really have a license or patent for the right of possession...the question is of course interesting - it seems to be free, but only with permission...bikes also seem to be the same, but there are so many variations... they must have expired a long time ago... the main thing is to have a ride and not to break down...))
Why give the customer the source code

because he bought it, along with all the rights to it that can be transferred. ?

Whether or not this is the case, the meta-quotes should clarify.

The GPL gives recipientsof computer software thefollowing rights, or "freedoms"[6]:

  • Freedom to run the program for any purpose;
  • Freedom to study how the program works and to modify it (the precondition for this is access tothe source code);
  • freedom to distribute copies of both the source code and the executable code;
  • The freedom to improve the program, and to release improvements to the public (the prerequisite for this is access to the source code).

In general, the distributor of a GPL-covered program or a program based on the GPL must make it possible for the recipient to obtain the corresponding source code.

Ghenadie Tumco: ?

Whether or not this is the case should be clarified by the methaqvos

a good option for the base licence, in which case no one can (legally) trade products in the market based on these codes.
Joo Zepper:

because he bought them, along with all the rights to them that can be transferred.
If I buy Windoof 10, do I get the source code too?