Servicedesk. Complaints, suggestions. - page 22


For almost two months Service Desk gave no answer and finally replied that I can now subscribe to signals, although all this time I've been writing that I want to open a signal myself, but I can't.

How do I understand this?

Ibragim Dzhanaev:

For almost two months Service Desk gave no answer and finally replied that I can now subscribe to signals, although all this time I've been writing that I want to open a signal myself, but I can't.

How do I understand it?

Remind me, how many times have you been banned for spamming and rudeness?

Your presence here speaks only to the good-naturedness of the administration. Perhaps unnecessary.


Remind me, how many times have you been banned for spamming and being rude?

Your presence here speaks only to the good-naturedness of the administration. Perhaps a little too much.

I don't remember, you can remind me.

Two months of harassment and then giving an answer to a question I did not ask and doing it on purpose is not rude to you?

On what grounds am I not allowed to open a signal?

Ваше присутствие здесь говорит лишь о добродушности администрации. Возможно, излишней

Do you live by rules here or are there rules?


Not too rude?


I want to know what I have violated that has caused me to be restricted in my rights.

Write down what I have violated.

Or restore all my rights.


It's interesting to know that people do get banned for rudeness, but for some reason very selectively. esteemed administration, I am also very curious, what criteria and rules are you guided by when formulating and deciding to "ban for rudeness"? because my complaints of insults with reference to the rules of use in 3 threads and in private to several admins / moderators were ignored as not a question. or still the administration lives "by the rules" and not by the rules, as the question was posed above?


I wrote to the service desk 2 days ago.
Please help us to solve the problem, financial resources are limited

Please consider application: #2643679

Service Desk has denied me the right to broadcast the signal without arguments and facts of infringement on my part.
I want to know what I am being accused of.
I want to know what I violated.
If I have broken something, then show me what I have broken. I didn't violate anything, I just didn't do anything.
Maybe you just don't like the last name?

Ibragim Dzhanaev:
I want to know what I have violated.
If I did something wrong, show me what I did wrong. I didn't do anything, I just didn't do anything.
Maybe you just don't like the last name?

They have the right to restriction without giving a reason. It's the same as everywhere else.

Stanislav Aksenov:

have the right to be restricted without giving a reason. It's the same as everywhere else.

What do you mean, without giving a reason?
I just want to know what I'm accused of and what I did wrong. It says above that I have been banned several times. But other than me no one has been banned and for how many years how many bans I would like to know.
Says I've been scoffed at. But can you show me all the correspondence where I allegedly snapped, maybe I said something in response?

Where are the people I've sneered at, or cheated, or the rules I've broken?
Where is all this?

I don't understand what I did.
How could I violate anything if I only wrote and did not do anything else. I did not deposit or withdraw money or change my personal details.
What could I have violated at all?