How can I tell if I have decompiled or not? - page 31

Arkadii Zagorulko:

Are you 100% sure that the work was not done using a similar or the same but not hacked indicator? Or a different version?

That's it - the subject is solved - the question was raised yesterday - the goal is fully achieved.

there is no point in discussing it further - you are late to the discussion and your advocacy skills are not useful - read previous pages

Lazar Buga:
If there's anything else you need to cover, feel free to get in touch. I see you've been trying to solve it for a month and a half now. And don't forget to say thank you.

When we need a statistician, maybe we'll think of you.

at this point you've fulfilled your role - you'll get your paycheck in a week (Profile/Payments/Debit)

Now everyone has had their green tea and gone to bed.

See if this is a decompilation, or not? Do I give up this kind of work?

Code snippets:

 string    zong_1_st = "r";
  double    zong_2_do = 1.0;
  bool      zong_3_bo = false;
  string    zong_4_st = "\n";
  int       zong_5_in = 4;
  int       zong_6_in = 0;
  int       zong_7_in = 0;
  double    zong_8_do = 1.0;
  int       zong_9_in = 0;
  int       zong_10_in = 0;
  int       zong_11_in = 0;
  datetime  zong_12_da = 0;
  lin_in_1 = 0;
   for (lin_in_2 = OrdersTotal() - 1 ; lin_in_2 >= 0 ; lin_in_2 = lin_in_2 - 1)
    if ( OrderSelect(lin_in_2,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES) )
     if ( OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1 )
      lin_in_1 = lin_in_1 + 1;
  if ( zi_3_in >  1 )
  for (zi_4_in = 0 ; zi_4_in < zi_3_in ; zi_4_in = zi_4_in + 1)
   if ( OrderSelect(zi_1_in_si30si2[zi_4_in][1],SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES) != true || OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),OrderClosePrice(),MaxSlippage,Red) != false )   continue;
   Print("OrderClose() error - ",ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); 
Mikhail Zhitnev:

See if this is a decompilation, or not? Do I give up this kind of work?

Code snippets:

Decompile 100%. Reject it and complain to the customer

Evgeniy Zhdan:

Decompile 100%. Reject it and complain to the customer

Got it, thanks, Eugene!


It doesn't even come close to looking like a decompiled source.

If the source has been decompiled, it has been edited to such an extent that it is impossible to say for sure.

Irek Gilmutdinov:

It doesn't even come close to looking like a decompiled source.

If the source has been decompiled, it has been edited to such an extent that it is impossible to say for sure.

The easiest way.

We're talking about variable names, functions and constants. And this code has not been run through a styler, you can see that.
It cannot be 100% certain, but the cycles are decompiled.