How can I tell if I have decompiled or not? - page 27

Lazar Buga:
This is slanderous comrade, in its purest form. Before you accuse someone or insult someone, think about how justified it would look from your side.

What are you talking about? You're the one who showed up in the thread. You explained how it was. You explained that you have bluntly replaced the decompiled mq4 with the ex4.

And if you open the ToR now, we have a 99% guarantee that you have continued working with the decompiled indicator only in the form of ex4.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

What are you talking about? You showed up in the thread yourself. You explained how it was. You explained that you have bluntly replaced the decompiled mq4 with the ex4.

And if you open the ToR now, there is a 99% guarantee that you have continued to work with the decompiled indicator only in the form of ex4.

I mean slander. Slander- is knowingly false defamatory information or distribution of knowingly false information, which defames the honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation.
Your guarantees are completely unsupported by anything other than your speculation.
I give you a 99% guarantee the dollar will go up 50 points. That's about the same guarantee you gave.
Do you have any way of proving it? Back up your guarantee with something.
99% guarantee that you have continued to work with the decompiled indicator only in the form of ex4.

Lazar Buga:
I'm talking about slander. Defamation is knowingly false defamatory information or the dissemination of knowingly false information that defames the honour and dignity of another person or undermines their reputation.
Your guarantees are completely unsupported by anything other than your speculation.
I give you a 99% guarantee the dollar will go up 50 points. That's about the same guarantee you gave.
Do you have any way of proving it? Back up your guarantee with something.
99% guarantee that you have continued to work with the decompiled indicator only in the form of ex4.

i.e. the customer chose a different indicator?
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

was decompiled, removed decompiled, compiled decompiled, worked with the decompiled code.

that I understood.

I haven't even started working on this order yet. I don't work with decompiled code in any form.
That's what I keep telling you. Not to you personally, but to Abolk and Ushakov. But I'm not asking you to believe me. I don't need to.
If I'm accused, I want it proven. Or it will be considered slander.
Lazar Buga:
I mean slander. Slander- is deliberately false defamatory information or distribution of knowingly false information that defames the honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation.
Your guarantees are completely unsupported by anything other than your speculation.
I give you a 99% guarantee the dollar will go up 50 points. That's about the same guarantee you gave.
Do you have any way of proving it? Back up your guarantee with something.
I will give you a 99% guarantee that you will continue working with the decompiled indicator, only in the form of ex4.

Useful. Don't drag the situation down. Slanderous about what? The application was decompiled? There was. That's what you said:

Lazar Buga:

I'll explain briefly how it happened:

The customer, created a job for me and attached a decompiled indicator. And immediately notified me about it on Skype.
I went to the website, downloaded this indicator and I saw that it was decompiled.
I told my client that we do not allow working with decompiled code and that his request should be deleted and a new one created.
And that was done.

And now you cannot know with what code I will work, with ex4 or will we choose another indicator for our EA, unless I tell you about it.

And to prove or disprove it may administration, which has an opportunity to see your TOR in the branch of the agreement.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:
i.e. the customer has chosen a different indicator?
Yes, he is still thinking about what to choose and which way to go.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Useful. Don't drag the situation down. Slanderous about what? The application was decompiled? There was. You yourself said so:

The administration can prove or disprove it and have a chance to look at your TOR in the agreement thread.

Was the decompiled request accepted by me or not? That is the question.
This is the second time you've quoted my first post, but you highlight only those sentences there that you think are important, taking them away from the overall meaning of the post.
Lazar Buga:
I haven't even started working on this order yet. I don't work with decompile in any form.
That's what I keep telling you. Not to you personally, but to Abolk and Ushakov. But I'm not asking you to believe me. I don't need to.
If I'm accused, I want it proven. Or it will be seen as slander.

I'm not accusing, I want to understand why you were banned first (apparently for working with decompile, so it seemed to the moderator), and then unbanned?

i.e. did you prove to the moderators that you didn't intend to work with deokmpil? or was the ban for 24 hours?

It's simple this whole situation, if it applies to one, why the others for a week?

Lazar Buga:
Has the decompiled application been accepted by me or not? That is the question.
I saw that the work was in progress (both the contractor and the customer are in the ban). i.e. there was an acceptance anyway.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I'm not accusing, I want to understand why you were banned first (apparently for working with decompile, so it seemed to the moderator), and then unbanned?

i.e. did you prove to the moderators that you did not intend to work with deokmpil? or was the ban for 24 hours?

Exactly right. That was my message from the first post. The ban was until 02.12.2015. But was unbanned after 12 hours.
We had a chat and I was able to explain that I don't work with decompile. Which could easily be verified by the administration and I'm sure they did it a long time ago.