How can I tell if I have decompiled or not? - page 10

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Actually, she originally wanted a sound when the arrow appeared.

about resources, and iCustom, and even decompilation, and even what compilation is -- there is a high probability that she had no idea.

(I got away from seriousness, as my opponent went to the trouble of proving me wrong. )

i knew i was wrong, and i knew he knew i was wrong, but continued the conversation smiling )

Vladimir Pastushak:

Moderators and admins can see that the post/application has changed. It can be proven that there was originally a different request.

For many people it does not matter what window is hacked, but it does not exempt them from responsibility.

It is not clear how the programmer is going to work with iCustom() or the code of the indicator is written in the Expert Advisor.

I don't know Mishek, but I sympathize with him ....

I agree with you that 10 years is a long time, I wonder why 10 and not 11?

If you witnessed a crime and did not report it, you are considered an accomplice... It's not my idea...

Many real criminals have families and children before doing something. You're not thinking straight...

I repeat, before doing something they need to think carefully, and programmers who behave in such a way, build their reputation.

I am able to program a little bit, but sometimes I turn to other coders, either because I have no time or because I can not figure out how to implement something.

I will never turn to such friends who are not squeamish about decompiling.

Are you going to assemble the code of an indicator in an Expert Advisor in a penny-ante order yourself? Don't be ridiculous.

Because of Mike, the entire site could have been shut down for inciting ethnic hatred.

They made too much of it. Especially about complicity in a crime. Half the forum could see this and any other decompile - are they accomplices? I didn't accentuate "saw" for nothing. When you see a decompile, report it to a moderator and go turn yourself in to the police... Your logic is titanium. Just put yourself in the place of a normal programmer: you are given a code and asked to make an EA for it. You see that it is decompiled. What will you do?

Personally, if I don't have time to do it, I say that I do not work with stolen codes, if I have the time and desire, I say that I do not need the source code and ask for an excerpt. Further - all according to "law" and without violating ethics. And if a person says he does not have an exerter? Then he is not on the subject, and therefore does not understand that the source code he had hacked. You either explain to him where he has the executable, or take his code, compile it, and throw the source code away. You can even close your eyes to not see what's in it :)))

There is a difference: you are addressed by a person who doesn't understand it or a person who deliberately breaks the code and starts selling it, for instance. Is there a line between these examples? Well, that case is the first of the two. And there is no need to tell "hackneyed truths" like "a thief if you know something is a thief if you don't know it is a thief too". It looks ridiculous.

My opinion - the customer could be put in a bath for a week, all who responded to this request - for a day to comprehend that we need to inform the customer that he was wrong with his decompiling, and let him replace it with an exerter, but not to grab the job. Because - my opinion - it should have been a job to write your own code with an executable file of the indicator connected. Whether with a resource or like that... And everyone would have been happy.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Ah, that's what you mean! )

Well yes, you can't, has it gotten any easier? )

ZS: Shall we retrain customers how to write assignments? )

They have a clear objective, you need to add an alert to the exeshop )

You're great with telepathy, as are many order takers, I understand it all, and the humour too.
Let a man order a Zhiguli and get a tank.... I don't care... I'm just surprised by what some people have said about the Exec...
Ghenadie Tumco:
Your telepathy is excellent, as are many order takers, I understand it all, and so is the humour.
Let a man order a Zhiguli and get a tank.... I don't care... I was just surprised by some people's comments about the Exeshnik...

Do you want to drive or do you want to drive?

We make our own indicator, cram it with the resource indicator attached to the job. We read the buffers and output the sounds we need. Output all external variables of the reference indicator to the new one, call it by the same name and voila...

Artyom Trishkin:

Do you want to do this or do you want to drive?

Make your own indicator, use a resource to cram in the indicator attached to the job. Read buffers, output necessary sounds. Output all external variables of the reference indicator to the new one, call it by the same name and voila...

no, the emphasis is on principle, add an alert to the executable )
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
Nah, he's got an emphasis of principle, add an alert to the executable.)
Why don't you give him a ban then?
Artyom Trishkin:
Why don't you give him a ban?

No, you can't, he's an Intourist.)

What would they think of us after that?)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

No, you can't, he's an Intourist.)

What would they think of us after that?)

In 10 years he'll tell us what he thinks...
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Sanya, my cat's asking me: why did they steal your face off your avatar?

Well, I'm going to bed. It's 5:30, man. Next - with the cat...

Artyom Trishkin:

Sanya, my cat's asking me: why did they steal your face off your avatar?

Well, I'm going to bed. It's 5:30, man. Next - with the cat...

I don't need a face with no name.)