How can I tell if I have decompiled or not? - page 9

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Another option is to find the source. Often they are in the public domain.

it's quite possible that it's here.

Especially to the vigilant moderators: I have not looked at this file (not registered on this forum) and do not know whether it is decompiled or source.

Написание экспертов и индикаторов - бесплатно!!!
Написание экспертов и индикаторов - бесплатно!!!
  • votes: 67
  • 2014.02.05
Добрый день, уважаемые программисты Прошу Вас при возможности посмотреть следующие индикаторы - не ставятся на терминал. С уважением, ЮрМих
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

If we attach sound to the indicator, everything is correct?

Is the indicator to the sound wrong? )

What is written in the application is often not what the customer actually needs. He just described it the way he understands it.

But if in principle: sound should be attached to the indicator, but not vice versa, then we lose the order for inability to perform.

Another option is to find the source code. They are often available in the public domain.

Yeah, I'll go and order a car and say I want a blue car and they'll give me a red light car and say, maybe you just wanted a coloured car.... :)
I was beginning to suspect I'd forgotten my Russian, but it turns out I've forgotten Russian logic...

I did not say that something is right or wrong, and if you're talking about correctness, it's definitely not right to lie, and say that you can add to the excelsheet without decompiling, something that is not there.

What is the level of telepathy one needs to possess to be able to convince a customer what he needs is another matter, but that's not what I was asking.
Ghenadie Tumco:
Yeah, I'll go and order a car and say I want a blue car and they'll give me a red car and say, maybe you just wanted a coloured car.... :)
I was beginning to suspect I'd forgotten Russian, but it turns out I've forgotten Russian logic...

I did not say that something is right or wrong, and if you're already talking about correctness, it's definitely not right to lie, and say that you can add to the excelsheet without decompiling, something that is not there.

What level of telepathy one must possess to be able to convince a client what he needs is another matter, but that's not what I was asking.

On the one hand you are right, to tell the customer that it can not be done without the source code. He will get upset.

And you can offer him another way to solve his task. He'll be happy.

Where is the lie?

ZS: This is not telepathy, this is psychology. In general, it is taught at a technical school, to have several variants of solving a problem (balvans, mock-ups) at the ready.

Ghenadie Tumco:
What level of telepathy it takes to convince a customer what they want is another matter, but that's not what I was asking about.

Why would the customer want to be convinced that he needs an alert -- if the customer said he wanted an alert in the first place?

Yeah, well, I'll go and order a car and say I want a blue car and they give me a red light car and say, maybe you just wanted a coloured car.... :)

If you want a car and all you have is red -- you don't go looking for a blue one.
Ghenadie Tumco:
Yeah, I'll go and order a car and say I want a blue car and they'll give me a red car and say, maybe you just wanted a coloured car.... :)
I was beginning to suspect I'd forgotten Russian, but it turns out I've forgotten Russian logic...

I did not say that something is right or wrong, and if it's about correctness, it's definitely not right to lie, and say that you can add to the excelsheet without decompiling, something that is not there.

What level of telepathy one must possess to be able to convince a client what he needs is another matter, but that's not what I was asking.
The problem is simple: there is a red arrow --> sound, there is a blue arrow --> sound. Where, and what is not solvable without hacking?
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

On the one hand, you are right to tell the customer that it can't be done without the source. He will get upset.

And then you can offer to solve his problem in a different way. He'll be happy.

Where is the lie?

Shit.... Repeat.... The customer has nothing to do...
It's not about how to solve what the customer is supposed to do...
I've been told here that it's possible to add to an excerpt, without decompiling, something that isn't there.... That's where the lie is.
Ghenadie Tumco:
Shit.... Repeat.... It's not about the customer...
It's not about how to solve what the customer is supposed to want...
I've been told here that it's possible to add to an excerpt, without decompiling, something that isn't there.... That's where the lie is.

ah, that's what you mean! )

well yes, you can't, has it gotten easier? )

ZS: shall we retrain customers how to write tasks? )

because their task is clear, they need to add an alert to the executable )

He says he needs an alert In the indicator.... And the file is an excerpt.

Can you solve this problem or not? Without decompiling, without looking for source code, but just do exactly what the customer ordered.

Put a sound in the indicator

Ghenadie Tumco:
He says he needs an alert In the indicator.... And the file is an excerpt.

Can you solve this problem or not? Without decompiling, without looking for source code, but just do exactly what the customer ordered.

Put a sound in the indicator

all right )

there will be an indicator with the sound)

) And she gave me an executable, because she knew, that it can be called via iCustom and you can put it into resources. )

the output will be an indicator with sound)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

) And she gave the executable because she knew that it could be called by iCustom and generally shoved into resources. )

Actually, she originally wanted a sound when the arrow appears.

the resources and iCustom and decompiler and compiler - odds are she didn't know about it.

although she knew what ex4 was -- she probably knew everything else, too.