How can I tell if I have decompiled or not? - page 4

Alexander Puzanov:
It was a bot trap :)

there were no bots )

Or, "What's your proof?" (с)

On the other hand, everything is true ... Our "brother" does not lift a finger in his mouth)))) ... That's why everything was chopped up at the roots ...
Karputov Vladimir:
An attempt to find an excuse, nothing more.

Bans are just an attempt to treat pneumonia with iodine netting at ****.

In fact the source code was not needed to work and the executors get banned for not being able to determine whether they decompiled the code or not.

In fact, I remember there was a dude in 4th kodobase who wrote in a style that is hard to distinguish from decompiled without a half-litre.

What does our law say about this (decompiling)?
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

there were no bots )

Bots are all kinds of things. Sometimes botulism in the brain happens. No one really doubts that it was decompiled, there are even links to the original.

if (EmailAlarm) SendMail("Sell Signal FX Marksman", "Sell signal @ " + Symbol() + " Period " + Period() + " Stop Loss @ " + ld_120);

the work is already 404, but the copy is still in Google -

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Or: "What's your proof?" (с)

Left in the jaw © (same source) and everyone was scribbled :)


In fact, decompiling is not forbidden, or am I interpreting this wrong?

АВТОРСКОЕ ПРАВО - Гражданский кодекс РФ от 18.12.2006 N 230-ФЗ - Часть 4 \ Консультант Плюс
Статья 1255. Авторские права 1. Интеллектуальные права на произведения науки, литературы и искусства являются авторскими правами. 2. Автору произведения принадлежат следующие права: 5) право на обнародование произведения. 3. В случаях, предусмотренных настоящим Кодексом, автору произведения наряду с правами, указанными в пункте 2 настоящей...

Write a "decompiled code" to "normal" converter once. Well, let all variables be given names of dogs.

You can write the reverse version to make normal code look like "decompiled" code.

In short, the "problems" can be solved both ways at once.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

In fact, decompiling is not forbidden, or am I interpreting it wrong?

Yes, you don't finish the end of the highlighted piece.

Almost everyone knows how to read this beginning, ignores the end, switches off rationality/reason and interprets everything in their favour.

The end indicates:

  • cannot decompile if linked directly or indirectly to a commercial interest
  • prohibiting transfer to anyone. the prefix "if" does not allow as it seems to people, but makes a micro concession, killed by subsequent clarifications, namely:
  • cannot be used to develop similar software or
  • infringes on the exclusive right of the author/owner.

Point 4 you forgot to highlight - it shows very broadly the importance of user agreements (EULA) and the legitimate interests of authors and rights holders.

EX4/EX5 software is also subject to a number of other conditions relating to direct hacking and distribution of knowingly protected software. That is, circumventing protections and removing them. There are criminal penalties there.

Checked this link posted in this discussion thread. It doesn't say that it is decompiled. Not every person will be able to identify decompiled. Suppose a person decides to earn on freelancing and submits an application. A moderator appears who, according to some inner convictions, determines that this is a decompile and hands out a mass ban to all who were there. All freelancers have rating, which is collected during his work, feedback from service users. Mass ban everyone in a row in this case - is abuse of the rules of the service by the moderator, perhaps in some not entirely in good faith. In fact, he has not fulfilled his task. In the first place, it is a manifestation of disrespect for users of the service, which somehow affects the reputation of the service and leads to a decrease in commission income of MetaQuotes Software. It is not even about the commissions, the most important thing is the reputation, the way the users praise the service on the Internet. Such cases with mass bans should be reported to MetaQuotes management through the Help Desk, because abuse of moderator's rights hinders development of the community. I am convinced that such moderators should not be ignored by the service management, because it is about reputation and income of MetaQuotes, whose software we all use.
Looked at this link , posted in this discussion thread. There is no decompile label there. Not every person will be able to determine the decompile. Suppose a person decides to make some money on freelancing and submits an application. A moderator appears who, according to some inner convictions, determines that this is a decompile and hands out a mass ban to all who were there. All freelancers have rating, which is collected during his work, feedback from service users. Mass ban everyone in a row in this case - is abuse of the rules of the service by the moderator, perhaps in some not entirely in good faith. In fact, he has not fulfilled his task. In the first place, it is a manifestation of disrespect for users of the service, which somehow affects the reputation of the service and leads to a decrease in commission income of MetaQuotes Software. It is not even about the commissions, the most important thing is the reputation, the way the users praise the service on the Internet. Such cases with mass bans should be reported to MetaQuotes management through the Help Desk, because abuse of moderator's rights hinders development of the community. I believe that the service management should not ignore such moderators, because it is about the reputation and income of MetaQuotes, whose software we all use.

it was an exemplary punishment to draw attention to the problem.

In my opinion, the moderator is wrong to ban everyone based only on the presence of a decompiled file in the request. Algorithm for determining decompile from the moderators and did not see.

Relying on common sense, as some of them advise, is possible. But everyone has their own sense.

And if you ban a moderator, you have to rely on his common sense.

Whether it is common sense, it is up to admins to decide, because they give the right to moderate.

SZZ: Then the rules should be simplified:

1. If it doesn't violate a moderator's common sense, then it's allowed. )