Hunting - page 7

Олег avtomat:

The problem is as old as the world...

Who will watch over the watchmen themselves?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Everything has been thought of long ago too (at the beginning of the Renaissance): there is no need for watchmen, because there is no point in stealing anything. Only there are no people who can implement this yet.
Игорь Герасько:
No way. What kind of volume is $10 anyway? That's the first sign of a kitchen.
How does a broker transfer your $100 bet to the interbank?
Игорь Герасько:
It's also all worked out a long time ago (back at the beginning of the renaissance): no need for watchmen, as there's no point in stealing anything. Only there are no people yet who can put it into practice.
Yes, yes... there have been a lot of inventors with their utopias, but it's still there...
Дмитрий Ушаков:


The marauding broker will slip the stops anyway and find a plausible explanation.

Right on target. And it's best not to take a summer holiday. The vodka is warm and the women are sweaty.

Dear Sirs, if we don't know how to trade, is it necessary to look for a problem and a solution from outside. Everyone (most) loses, I am no exception either.

"Most traders do not believe that their problems in trading are the result of their way of thinking about the markets, or to put it bluntly - how and what they think about when they trade. " - from the book by M. Douglas

Can we move forward with such ideas as those expressed in the posts above. Of course not. You have to accept the market as it is, brokers are those who create conditions for traders to work with the market and they do not need to make efforts for traders to drain their deposits, it already happens and will continue to do so.

And why take trades to the interbank when you can take risks from the broker - 1. trader lost = broker earned, 2. trader gained = broker lost and if you look at the statistics 95% of cases are the first, but honest brokers also lose sometimes - there are moments (example with CHF). And whether or not the broker does not take it to the interbank, or whether he does it honestly, or whether he hunts for stops. Maybe hunt for short stops - but in most cases this is not even necessary.

Izzatilla Ikramov:

Dear Sirs, if we don't know how to trade, is it necessary to look for a problem and a solution from outside. Everyone (most) loses, I am no exception either.

"Most traders do not believe that their problems in trading are the result of their way of thinking about the markets, or to put it bluntly - how and what they think about when they trade. " - from the book by M. Douglas

Can we move forward with such ideas as those expressed in the posts above. Of course not. You have to accept the market as it is, brokers are those who create conditions for traders to work with the market and they do not need to make efforts for traders to drain their deposits, it already happens and will continue to do so.

And why take trades to the interbank when you can take risks from the broker - 1. trader lost = broker earned, 2. trader gained = broker lost and if you look at the statistics 95% of cases are the first, but honest brokers also lose sometimes - there are moments (example with CHF). And whether or not the broker does not take it to the interbank, or whether he does it honestly, or whether he hunts for stops. You may hunt for short stops - but in most cases you don't even have to.

Those who do not know how to trade are beginners. Newbies will take almost any broker's antics at face value. The author of this thread obviously has experience. The author has noticed that the stops really get knocked down.

The new law in Russia"On the Securities Market" has been supplemented by the article "Activity of a Forex Dealer."It mentions that applicants for a license from the Central Bank will have to provide or show the software used by Forex dealers. Accordingly, the problem of using additional software that interferes with the trading process, as well as additional drones performing sabotage activities during the tradingprocessby the broker exists. Broker-looter actively uses such drones.

Accordingly, whatever is the skill of an ordinary trader, whatever is the experience and psychophysical training, the broker - marauder in any case breaks the trader's head. A marauder represented by a broker will always find something to eat.

Дмитрий Ушаков:

Those who don't know how to trade are beginners. Newbies will take almost any broker antics at face value. The author of this thread is clearly already experienced. The author has noticed that the stops really get knocked down.

The new law in Russia"On the Securities Market" has been supplemented by the article "Activity of a Forex Dealer."It mentions that applicants for a license from the Central Bank will have to provide or show the software used by Forex dealers. Accordingly, the problem of using additional software that interferes with the trading process, as well as additional drones performing sabotage activities during the tradingprocessby the broker exists. Broker-looter actively uses such drones.

Accordingly, whatever is the skill of an ordinary trader, whatever is the experience and psychophysical training, the broker - marauder in any case breaks the trader's head. A marauder represented by a broker will always find something to eat.

And this GREAT law does not say exactly what to do with you brokers who are registered offshore and do not want to get a license from the Central Bank?
Дмитрий Ушаков:

Those who don't know how to trade are beginners. Newbies will take almost any broker antics at face value. The author of this thread clearly has experience. The author has noticed that the stops really get knocked down.

The new law in Russia"On the Securities Market" has been supplemented by the article "Activity of a Forex Dealer."It mentions that applicants for a license from the Central Bank will have to provide or show the software used by Forex dealers. Accordingly, the problem of using additional software that interferes with the trading process, as well as additional drones performing sabotage activities during the tradingprocessby the broker exists. Broker-looter actively uses such drones.

Accordingly, whatever is the skill of an ordinary trader, whatever is the experience and psychophysical training, the broker - marauder in any case breaks the trader's head. A marauder represented by a broker will always find something to eat.

I do not rule out the possibility that stops get knocked down. As you have written for the creator of this thread, tell me please, why such an experienced trader has to deal with dishonest brokers? And how long do you have to mature and stay with them? instead of getting rid of them once and for all and switch to a more reliable broker.
And this GREAT law does not say - what exactly to do with you brokers who are registered in the offshore and do not want to get a license from the CB?

Unfortunately, not a word about offshore brokers. Apparently they have no control over them. That is why offshore brokers will go crazy as they want and as long as they want. Apparently, those brokers that will receive a license from the CB will be more reliable since they may be sued in courts, write complaints to the prosecutor's office and to the regulatory authorities at their place of residence. Those who will remain offshore brokers will fly intercontinental flights to clarify relations with offshore marauding scavengers. Unless of course there is extra money they have no pity to lose. Time will tell what the outcome will actually be. Theoretically there is only 5 - 6 months to wait.

Izzatilla Ikramov:
I don't exclude that stops are being knocked down. As you wrote for the creator of the branch, tell me please, why such an experienced trader should sit with dishonest brokers? And how long to mature and stay with them? instead of getting rid of them once and for all and switch to a more reliable broker.

If a man has not lost his head, he will.

Well recommend a reliable broker or write a list of brokers in person.

For trades that last more than 1 day, all brokers are equally good, those with a spread of 12 pips and those offering 0.5 pips.