Hunting - page 6

Rustamzhan Salidzhanov:
It's a lot more complicated than you think, and there's a lot of risk too.
I draw my conclusions on the basis of the information I have received from the most "honest and reliable" brokers. I don't think about the lack of interest and impartiality of the broker. I understand that it is more complicated than that.
Дмитрий Ушаков:

It's not just about hardware or software. It's about attitude to people. Today's broker sees every trader as a source of his personal income. The trader is seen not as a professional player, but as a massive deposit. And this deposit should be pocketed by the broker - this is the main and primary goal of modern brokers.

A question, which in principle should be answered by the exchange for a fair trade activity

To establish the true price of the goods or currency?

That is in the distant past. The atavism of previous generations.

I assure you, with one pair of figures with six zeros, you will treat "people" differently .....
Ivan Vagin:
I assure you, with just a couple of numbers with six zeros, you will have a different attitude towards "people" .....

That's what happened to a lot of people. For me, forex is like developing my intellect. For others, it is a possible self-assertion or elevation over others. With the amount of money they overcome their phobias of inferiority, inferiority.

What is a broker? It is a small, very limited number of people. They are those who, by their inferiority, can appropriate to themselves the merits of the collective or other people, to make the achievements of others their own. As a rule, they resort to any means, the word honor or conscience evokes at best an allergic reaction, at worst active vomiting and open aggression in such people. They'll be bawling their mouths off about

What they are handsome being in a society, and in the limited, defectively limited environment (God forbid to get there) will call people a herd that provides them. You just need to listen carefully when they say something in public.

It is scary to imagine what kind of Conchita's are running our lives.

Дмитрий Ушаков:
Probably organise an honest broker. If it does not work out, let them trade with looters.

1- Organise an honest broker.
2- Organise an honest supervisory body to monitor the honesty of the broker.
3- Organise an honest anti-corruption agency to ensure that an honest broker does not corruptly liaise with an honest regulator.
4- Organise an honest regulator preventing the abuse of an honest anti-corruption framework in monitoring that an honest broker does not enter into a corrupt relationship with an honest regulator.
N- ...............

It's much simpler, you have to choose normal brokers whose business model is based on the principle of "working honestly - profitably" .

How does a "normal broker" bring your $10 rate to the interbank market?
It doesn't. What kind of volume is $10 anyway? That's the first sign of a kitchen.
Can you point me to ????? At least one decent broker ????
If you want, I can tell you in person. It is forbidden to name names here.

Watching the price in the market gives the impression that there is a constant hunt for stops...

How to make money here ?????

By following risk management, trade under certain circumstances and only the kitchen will manage to knock you out of the market. If you put stops at 2, 5, pips naturally you will be knocked out easier.

The problem is as old as the world...

Who will watch over the watchmen themselves?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

From a work by the Roman satirical writer Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenal, c. 60 - 127): "Put a bolt on her, keep her locked up, but who will guard the watchmen themselves? Your wife is cunning and starts with them".
Interpretatively: who will control those who undertake to put things in order, make things right, etc.?

Vladimir Suschenko:

1- Organise an honest broker.
2- Organise an honest supervisory body to monitor the honesty of the broker.
3- Organise an honest anti-corruption agency to ensure that an honest broker does not corruptly liaise with an honest regulator.
4- Organise an honest regulator preventing the abuse of an honest anti-corruption framework in monitoring that an honest broker does not enter into a corrupt relationship with an honest regulator.
N- ...............

It's much simpler, you have to choose normal brokers whose business model is based on the principle "work fair - profitable".

A model is always a model. There is a saying: "We wanted the best, but it turned out to be the same as always". The system that really rules will not allow the principle of "working honestly is profitable" to be implemented.

Where will people go from the second point onwards. It is already organised, but it does not work. Periodically, brokers pay fines to these organizations and supervisors, but it is still there. Now the principle is, "to take from the poor and protect the overstuffed rich". Who has more money will write any law and break it. All the whims of the rich are a doctrine for everyone else. I think the looter broker is not just created or open for a reason. There are certain arrangements and systemic requirements that a group of individuals who have decided to open a "shop - market" to provide brokerage services adhere to. The only goal is to collect "money blood" which the average trader would not mind losing. That's what it's all about. All the stop manipulation is a legal practice in these circles.

This is the forum for trading, automated trading systems, and trading strategy testing.


Ramiz Mavludov, 2015.08.28 21:51

Following risk management is trading under certain circumstances and only the kitchen will manage to knock you out of the market. If you put stops at 2, 5, pips it is naturally easier to knock you out.

Of course we are not talking about short stops. I am not after stops, but after the money at the level of stops. Many people follow risk management, but even that doesn't help.

The looter broker will loot the stops anyway and find a plausible explanation.

Дмитрий Ушаков:

A model is always a model. There is a saying: 'We wanted what was best, but it was always what it was'. The system that really rules will not allow the principle of "fair work is profitable" to be realised.

There is no need to be so hopelessly pessimistic that you do not even want to live!
In Soviet times there was a popular phrase: "educate by the rouble". Competition among sellers is always in favour of the buyer. In this case, the broker is a seller of a service. And the buyer can encourage the broker's honesty and integrity by choosing from a vast array of brokers whose reputations are not tarnished. Think back to the end of the era of the unrest with the brazen weighing and cheating of customers in markets, when sellers had signs that said "Quality and weight guaranteed" as advertising.