Comparison of Moving Average (and any other indicators) and error - page 5

Victor Nikolaev:

I think the topic can be closed. The authors of (not the topic) statements did not come to a consensus. There were isolated moments of chauvinism, which is not welcome.

But neither one nor the other could prove their case. That's why I close the thread. Further discussion may be punished (maximum daily ban).

Although if there will be given normal evidence, it is welcome.

The judges will be me and Volodya.

This is not a discussion.

I would not have been so categorical) Yeah, I honestly did not understandAndrey Dik joke and why it was here ... But at least he had a point before. RegardingArtyom Trishkin- the guy came in, didn't really read anything and started spamming off-topic with a girl - I didn't like it. AndDina Paches I'm just absolutely and completely grateful for such detailed answers. Moreover IMHO we certainly had no conflict with her) On the contrary, I was trying to say that all these normalizations are essentially the same epsilon (one of the options for their use), which I described)

P.S. Right now, this robot has gone temporarily into the shadows, so I'm not writing anything here yet, since I'm not on it. Next week (most probably) I will get to it and thoroughly read the extensive postby Dina Paches. Thank you again for such detailed posts;)


... RegardingArtyom Trishkin- the man came in, didn't read anything properly and started getting clever and spamming off-topic with the girl - I didn't like that. AndDina Paches I am only absolutely and completely grateful for such detailed answers. Moreover IMHO we certainly had no conflicts with her) On the contrary, I was trying to say that all these normalizations are essentially the same epsilons (one way of applying them) that I described)


I'm catching a lot of things on the fly (I've already made more Expert Advisors than you can imagine). I immediately understood what you need. I have told you succinctly several times how to do it. Deena, looking at my pointless attempts to explain to you how to do things, decided to help me (Deena, thank you, sweetheart, for your help), and painted you all the things I tried to say succinctly. I wouldn't have had the time.

Judge not, lest ye be judged. You don't know me at all.


I wouldn't be so categorical) Yes, I honestly didn't understandAndrey Dik's joke and what it was about... But at least he had written on the point before that. RegardingArtyom Trishkin- the guy came in, didn't read anything properly and started spamming off-topic with a girl - I didn't like it. AndDina Paches I'm just absolutely and completely grateful for such detailed answers. Moreover IMHO we certainly had no conflict with her) On the contrary, I was trying to say that all these normalizations are essentially the same epsilon (one of the options for their use), which I described)

P.S. Right now, this robot has gone temporarily into the shadows, so I'm not writing anything here yet, since I'm not on it. Next week (most probably) I will get to it and thoroughly read the extensive postby Dina Paches. Thank you again for such a thorough post;)

Later on, when you have had extensive practical experience, you'll realise that Artem didn't spam or "cleverly".

He's a practitioner with extensive experience of writing programs in MQL4 and MQL5, allowing him to speak in simple terms about different levels of complexity of things he's familiar with. And he really tried to help you here.

The reason why he hasn't told many times here on the forums: thanks for practical tips from beginners long before you. And his advice to newbies on the forums has been useful to me too.

So you're wasting your breath about him without having read properly what he's written to you here. A lot of what seems complicated can be solved in simple ways.

Besides, you've succeeded in pissing me off. The consequence is these unfolding answers. But the fact that you managed to do it and I "fell for it" your posts, which show my extensive experience in demagogy, is of course also my fault (I've been tired a lot lately). And of course, myself to blame for spending too much of my own time answering you, which I could have spent on myself, and with benefit to myself (in that regard, I'm not transferring my frustration to you, because I don't feel comfortable transferring my mistakes to others).

Okay. I don't want to stir up any conflict (including conflict of interest). And hopefully in the future you and/or we (more specifically, it depends on the situations) will have no misunderstandings or as few as possible.

Good luck in mastering MQL4!

Artyom Trishkin:

While I was writing my post (you probably already know how excruciatingly long it takes to write them), you beat me to it by publishing your post.

P./S.: But it's interesting that, without collusion, you answered almost simultaneously. Yes... it definitely affects the fact that we already communicate with you a lot.

Dina Paches:

While I was writing my post (you probably already know how excruciatingly long it takes to write them), you beat me to it by publishing your post.

P./S.: But it's interesting that they answered almost simultaneously, without collusion. Yes ..., it's definitely influenced by the fact that we already communicate with you a lot.

Honey, be careful, we're going to get married by jokers here - they're going to say that this ... what's-his-name... two boots of the same Satan... ;)

Artyom Trishkin:

Honey, be careful, we're going to get married by jokers - they're going to say that this ... what's-his-name... two boots of the same Satan... ;)

Yes, not a superfluous warning, perhaps, on your part. )))

Nah, I'm on the lighter side.))) And you're married to a beautiful woman. So the jokers can only "marry" us as a joke, for lack of thought or for demagogic purposes. ))) But God judge them then. And according to their deeds, may they be repaid a hundredfold.

Why compare them?
Vladimir Zubov:
Why compare them?
Artyom Trishkin:

So many fun guys and all making a bicycle ...

P.S. This is about Mashki ...