Decision-making error - page 16

Evgeni Usenko:

Of course you're right...Everyone decides for himself...:)

Some people use the old-fashioned way with their feet...:)

Some rely on new and progressive methods.

You don't play poker...?

Cards 2 through 9, as well as their combinations, until recently among professionals considered trash!

But the paradox is that it was not :) And now there is a lot of money coming out of the Trash:)

At the head of everything is RATIONALITY. We've been told for a long time that the market has no BOTTOM! It turns out there is a BOT:)))

It cannot not be for many reasons, political, economic, etc. ... As soon as one of the players in the market

violates the moral and ethical rules of the trade (In this case China) its very mildly brought to the proper norm :)

It was the case recently with the Swiss franc, it will be the same with the yuan :) In other words, no matter where we place our order,

sooner or later the market will come to exactly where you entered... And if we choose the right entry point the STOP is essentially unnecessary,

because it's an irrational loss... Just a new strategy, that's all:)


The price will come back - will there be enough money? (c) LibreCoin
Yury Kirillov:
The price will come back - will there be enough money? (c) LibreCoin
if there is enough money, what is the return? wouldn't it be easier to put it in the bank?)
Dear forum members, I really need some good advice for a newcomer, who would be willing to help?
Dear forum members, I really need some good advice for a newcomer, who would be willing to help?
Do ask, advisers will definitely respond.

Here is my forecast

Screenshots of the MetaTrader trading platform

EURUSD, H4, 2015.11.02

Fort Financial Services Ltd, MetaTrader 4, Real

EURUSD, H4, 2015.11.02, Fort Financial Services Ltd.


more like this

Screenshots of the MetaTrader trading platform

EURUSD, D1, 2015.11.02

Fort Financial Services Ltd, MetaTrader 4, Real

EURUSD, D1, 2015.11.02, Fort Financial Services Ltd.


Then like this

Screenshots of the MetaTrader trading platform

EURUSD, MN1, 2015.11.02

Fort Financial Services Ltd, MetaTrader 4, Real

EURUSD, MN1, 2015.11.02, Fort Financial Services Ltd.

Yuriy Khrustalov:

Then it goes like this

You forgot to take into account the Wald, Fibonacci and fan gan lines.
Evgeny Belyaev:
You forgot to consider the Wald, Fibonacci and Han fan lines.
I have my own predictions that have nothing to do with these guys)
Yuriy Khrustalov:
I have my own predictions unrelated to these guys )
Don't call great mathematicians guys!!!