FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1951

Still arguing? My little boy was born on 25.12.
I'm picking them up from the maternity hospital today.

Now I have three.
Congratulations, run to the shop)
Something my poor pokemon isn't telling me about audi....
Congratulations, run to the shop)
Yeah, I've been running for a week without regaining consciousness.
Still arguing? I had a baby boy on the 25th of December.
I'm picking them up from the maternity hospital today.

Now I have three.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart !

I have three daughters :)


In that case, I would close down the shop in Russia, leave the Cyprus office and get on with it.

If it is a matter of the registrar's nationality, I would put a local Papuan in his place.

Leshka, it takes a lot of intelligence to look at the certificate in the program).

That is why your kitchens are not itching and will not itch.

I found out, they said that the deadline was extended, I am waiting for a link to a normative document... they should send me the link. They do this in order to increase tax revenues (as I understand it) order to leak information to the IRS through the Central Bank...
Evgeniya Balchin:
I found out, they said that the deadline was extended, I'm waiting for a link to a regulatory document... they should send it to me. They do this in order to increase tax revenues (as I understand it) order to leak information to the FTS through the Central Bank...
Указание о требованиях к стандартам саморегулируемой организации форекс-дилеров Э.С. НАБИУЛЛИНА
Указание о требованиях к стандартам саморегулируемой организации форекс-дилеров Э.С. НАБИУЛЛИНА
  • 2015.10.26
  • Server Muradasilov
Зарегистрировано Министерством юстиции Российской Федерации 14 октября 2015 года Регистрационный № 39309 13 сентября 2015 года № 3797-У УКАЗАНИЕ О требованиях к стандартам саморегулируемой организации...
Evgeniya Balchin:
I found out, they said that the deadline was extended, I'm waiting for a link to a regulatory document... they should send it to me. They are doing it to increase tax revenues (as I understand it) leak information to the IRS through the Central Bank...

When have we ever had laws enforced?)

They pass a new law and people immediately think how to get around it)

Server Muradasilov:
Thank you, all cleared up))
Evgeniya Balchin:
OK, my main broker is registered in Cyprus, but the thing is that according to this law, if you are a foreign company, you must also get accreditation from the Central Bank)

In other words, if a company is not registered in Russia and is not accredited in Russia,

Then you have no right to work there?

If the company is registered in the RF, taxes are paid by the company, i.e. you get net taxes.

If a company is registered, for example, in Belize, you will work on a gross basis

And taxes must pay themselves in the Russian Federation or pay taxes in Belize, if available.

In any case, there should be no double taxation.

Russia cannot restrict your right to choose a place of work.

Server Muradasilov:

"Also, the Central Bank has banned forex dealers from entering into financial transactions with individuals who are not qualified investors."

Yeah, right..... So now everyone has to become a qualified investor. Who came up with this "nonsense"?

It is easier to make it so: whoever wants to trade in which jurisdiction, does so. When withdrawing funds, if he is so lucky and has made money, he pays taxes and that's it.