FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1950

Roman Busarov:

I erased everything you wrote so as not to clutter up the forum.

The situation is that energy exporting countries are moving away from pegging their currencies to the number one debtor country... yes it's painful, but it's temporary....

and right now i would characterize it as a "dead fish splash"

Why don't you go ahead and say so))))
Has anyone enquired about your broker's implementation of FD 460, which came into force in October 2015??? I'm not very familiar with the legislation, so I'm wondering if anyone has found out anything yet...? Learned that only one brokerage firm has received a licence from the Central Bank. The requirements for share capital have been increased and there are restrictions on foreign brokers operating in Russia without accreditation from the Central Bank... I found the register, there is only one broker, if I write, they will get banned again... but what if our broker is not on the register?
Evgeniya Balchin:
Has anyone enquired about your broker's implementation of FD 460, which came into force in October 2015??? I'm not very familiar with the legislation, so I'm interested to know what anyone has found out already...? Learned that only one brokerage firm has received a licence from the Central Bank. The requirements for share capital have been increased and there are restrictions for foreign brokers without accreditation at the Central Bank... I found the register, but there is only one broker, if I write, they will again ban me... but what if our broker is not in the register?
Who is this one broker?

The safest refuge currency has always been the Swiss. And suddenly I dive on the article....

The funny economics of capitalism - the situation has reached the point of marasmus
The Western world is steadily moving towards GIRP, a policy of negative interest rates.
The funny situation is in Sweden, which is running ahead of everyone else on this curve. The weekly interbank rate has fallen to minus 1.8%.
To put it simply, Swedish banks are trying to lend money to one another, and are even prepared to pay (up to 5% per annum - seriously, there was a market application from Handelsbanken offering to pay 5% to share the money with at least one of their colleagues), just to have someone else hold their money.
And the other day there was a fascinating article in Gazeta-Vru about the "financial illiteracy" of our population. It turns out that there is no bank interest in our country to cover inflation, bg. Thank you, Hindsight Copetan, but I have to ask: what country has such an interest rate? In some countries the interest rate is negative. That is, not only you don't get paid more for keeping your money, but they charge you for your own money. What kind of coverage of inflation is interest on deposit...
Perhaps, I do not need to explain that this situation is extremely unhealthy.
By the way, did you know that the average household in the USA has $16'000 in credit card debt alone? And then there are mortgages, student loans, car loans and so on. That's how the pindos live. And the whole pyramid is already swinging and threatening to collapse.

Leads to some very sad thoughts, coupled with the six countries' agreement on currency swaps and the mass bankruptcies of US shale oil companies (the example of Chesapeake).

They have a lot of money, and there will be more. I think before July, it will fall again to horrify all the markets of the world.

Evgeniya Balchin:
Has anyone enquired about your broker's implementation of FD 460, which came into force in October 2015??? I'm not very familiar with the legislation, so I'm wondering if anyone has found out anything yet...? Learned that only one brokerage firm has received a licence from the Central Bank. The requirements for registered capital have been increased and there are restrictions for foreign brokers without accreditation with the Central Bank...The register I have found, there is only one broker, if I write, I will be banned again... but what if our broker is not in this register?
I have found only one broker who is not accredited with the RF Central Bank.
Evgeniya Balchin:
Has anyone enquired about your broker's implementation of FD 460, which came into force in October 2015??? I'm not very familiar with the legislation, so I'm interested to know what anyone has found out already...? Learned that only one brokerage firm has received a licence from the Central Bank. The requirements for share capital have been increased and there are restrictions for foreign brokers without accreditation with the Central Bank... I found the register, there is only one broker, if I write, they will ban me again... what if our broker is not in the register?
The fact that the head office is in the Russian Federation does not mean anything.
Alexey Busygin:
Can you share your secret in private?
Leshka, what secret, has your own head already refused services at all?)
The fact that the main office is in Russia does not mean anything.
Well, my main broker is registered in Cyprus, but the thing is that according to this law, if you are a foreign company, you also have to be accredited by the Central Bank)

Evgeniya Balchin:

OK, my main broker is registered in Cyprus, but the thing is that according to this law, if you are a foreign company, you must also get accreditation with the Central Bank)

In that case, I would close down the shop in Russia, leave the Cyprus office and get on with it.

If it is about the registrar's nationality, I would put a local Papuan in his place.

Leshka, it takes a lot of intelligence to look at the certificate in the program).

That is why your kitchens are not itching and will not itch.

Still arguing? I had a baby boy on the 25th of December.
I'm picking them up from the maternity hospital today.

Now I have three.