FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1906


.................If you have no idea how hedging happens in the futures-spot-real-market, real-spot-option, how bets affect pricing, you are unlikely to operate efficiently, although I do not deny that it is possible, but profitability will be low and drawdowns will be high.

You're right, but can you imagine how much information you present to me? I'm going to see your videos and sell my house, thinking that I'm on the top of the Truth, next to the Creator and I'm going to deposit the earned money in a brokerage house. You are practically recruiting into a sect and imposing your religion. Maybe you are a DC fake. Therefore, it's not interesting and harmful for you to tell me the real cause-and-effect links and events where I got my hand, i.e. a quote in the terminal.

I propose to start from the end, like in the principle of repairing electronics. I receive quotes from my broker. Broker gets basic quotes from the outside and receives crosses by mathematics. Question:

Who delivers the quotes to the Broker and in what form?

There are a lot of childish questions about futures, spot and pricing and many other things.


Hedging depends on the broker and his terminal.

Too bad I don't know how to put smiley faces in.

Have you been drinking?

If you sold the pound and bought the euro, or you sold spring wheat and bought summer wheat, that's hedging. You've reduced your risk, but you've also cut your profits, so it's for the underdeveloped.

I see, you are not yet mature enough to be a toddler.

That you can't put emoticons in is just one level of underdevelopment.

You've been told everything and you don't get it.

Alexey Busygin:

I see, you are not yet a toddler.

The fact that you can't put emoticons in is just one level of underdevelopment.

You've been told everything and you don't get it.

You haven't told me anything at all, I suspect you're a drinker or a junkie.

Hedging depends on the broker and his terminal.

Too bad I don't know how to put smiley faces in.

Have you been drinking?

If you sold the pound and bought the euro, or you sold spring wheat and bought summer wheat, that's hedging. You have reduced your risk, but you have also cut your profits, so this is for the underdeveloped.

Let's not add diarrhea to the conversation highlighted in red.

It is not clear about hedging - if I bought one thing and sold another, I made a profit or a loss.

You haven't told me anything at all, I suspect you're a drinker or a junkie.

For the dumb to say in Russian, emoticons are inserted through dedicated button, at the time of editing text, as an ordinary picture.

But to do this picture to insert it must be on the PC, which means first you need to download the database of emoticons from the Internet, and then insert it.


Let's not add diarrhea to the conversation highlighted in red.

About hedging it is not quite clear - if I bought one thing and sold another, I made a profit or a loss.

I just can't figure out if this person is adequate.

If you don't understand about hedging, you can read the smart books I am constantly referred to here.

Hedging can result in either a small profit or a small loss compared to a direct trade, which is why I say it is for the underdeveloped.

Alexey Busygin:

For the dumb to say in Russian, emoticons are inserted through the selected button at the time of editing text, as an ordinary picture.

But to insert this picture, it must be on the PC, which means first you need to download the database of emoticons from the Internet, and then insert it.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Get it?

And so on with everything you have said.

What you described about hedging is not hedging, it is correcting your wheat volume. You sold old wheat and bought fresher new wheat.

If you were to sell soybeans and take wheat in exchange. You could freeze the price of your unsuccessful wheat with your valuable soybeans.

Alexey Busygin:

Get it?

And so on with everything you have said.

What you described about hedging is not hedging, it is correcting your wheat volume. You sold the old and bought fresher wheat new.

Here's if you sold soybeans and took wheat in exchange. You could freeze the price of the failed wheat you bought with soybeans.

You sold the old pound and bought the new euro. Yes. No words.


Sold the old pound and bought the new euro. Yeah. No words.

I didn't tell you about the pound and the euro. Also, if your balance sheet is in dollars, it will be a cross rate for you at all.