FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1897


Oh, guys, let's live together))

i couldn't find a relevant topic, can any of you tell me how to do a chargeback? in pantion finance my precious back in spring, i contacted them - not a word. Smart people said that there is a chargeback procedure. Is there any chance at all?
Чарджбек — Википедия
Чарджбек — Википедия
Возвратный платеж (англ.  ) — процедура опротестования транзакции банком-эмитентом (в целях защиты прав плательщика), при которой сумма платежа безакцептно списывается с получателя (банка-эквайера) и возвращается плательщику, после чего обязанность доказательства истинности транзакции возлагается на получателя. Технология возврата платежа...

Oh, guys, let's live together))

i couldn't find a relevant topic, can any of you tell me how to do a chargeback? in pantion finance my precious back in spring, i contacted them - not a word. Smart people said that there is a chargeback procedure. Is there any chance at all?

All right, you should have done it back in spring...)) it's funny that you're still waiting.
So read it)).
You don't understand me, I didn't come here to read memoirs and biographies.
Evgeniya.please explain to me what he wants?
Evgeniya.please explain to me what he wants?
who is he?
You don't understand me, I didn't come here to read memoirs and biographies.
You want the key to the flat where the money is...?
Here we go again, you ask how to trade, they send you to read biographies and then you laugh.
You ask how to trade, they send you to read biographies, and then you laugh.
You don't know the basics. It's clear that everyone has his own way...Do you even know if the leverage is 1/100 the EUR/USD deposit at, say, 1.27500? Tell me why I need it...) You need it to manage capital properly, which is very important...
Russia beat the Finns 7-1)))I love hockey.
Here we go again, you ask how to trade, they send you to read biographies and then you laugh.
Trading is so easy!!! You buy cheap, sell it for more - you pocket the difference...