FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1693

People don't come here to make fun of people, they come here to fuck their neighbours, without showing anything of their own, or by talking rubbish like Mighty.
You see! You think I'm bullshitting. And since you're supposed to be Goura, you can just take it for granted? No way! No way! Don't say you can't do it! Take it like a man!
The rest of us either don't want to think or just take it on faith. Surely there are people who want to understand something and are interested in it, but they keep silent for some reason. Gurus who think they know everything are rushing around and trash talking dirty, as if I'm begging for something. Finish!!!
a dump, not a branch!!!!
why are you a scavenger hunter? you want to go to the vans, see if there's anything tasty to eat?

Danila, I saw you and vng rubbing it together - I don't quite get it ...

I don't know what to say ....

Strange, what you're up to, I don't know. The situation in your reality naturally looks different to you... References? Only to the swap? And that Karamazov he's shoving into every hole. I'll read it if I need to. I don't need it now. Vadimchi even less. I haven't read VSA - I repent. I was spat on, I don't know why. I volunteered. I asked the man to describe it and told him we would discuss it. I did, and the man started exalting himself and belittling others. Was I supposed to thank him for that? Well, no way! I'm not a biblical man to turn the other cheek. And the insults were never proven. It all went to waste. All that's left is an unpleasant residue. So why such a discussion for the umpteenth time?

For his teacher asks the student? (And he introduced himself as a teacher) In order to listen to their point of view, to understand how they understand the topic of conversation, to correct it if necessary and make it correct. That is the only way to have a normal, healthy conversation. In our country one teacher tries to teach others (teachers)... Everyone thinks he is better than the others and if it is not his way, get upset and go to the bushes! I honestly do not understand - what is the problem with explaining? No matter how you think about it, one thing speaks for itself - he cannot formulate an idea! Of course you can be offended here, but the reality is this! It's not difficult for me - I described how I understand it all. The rest - I do not know what prevents it! If you do not understand it or think otherwise - describe it as you understand it, that's all! Truth is born in an argument, but there is no argument either! It's sad!!!

You're partly right, but the reaction to what seemed to you like an injustice, like a teenager's pimples - calling names, lashing out, writing parodies.

From time to time forums appear Compulsive Teachers........ just recently on another forum barely got out.... it's either the character, or the money makes it so-trading is not for everyone.

It's very rare - it's my parents' house there.
I went there once, but it's very sparsely populated.

You're partly right, but your reaction to what seemed to you like injustice, you have youthful pimples - you call names, hurl, write parodies.

From time to time, obsessive Teachers appear on forums........ just recently on another forum, they barely got rid of.... it's either the character or the money that makes it so - not everyone can trade.

So do not confuse things, the man came and offered to discuss, he did not say - I know everything and will be your GURU))).

Danila, I saw you and vng rubbing it together - I don't quite get it ...

I don't know what to say ....

You see - you didn't get it at all! And THEY claim that not only did they get it, but that I was wrong too! They have difficulty answering the question!

You're partly right, but your reaction to what seemed to you like injustice, you have youthful pimples - you call names, hurl, write parodies.

From time to time, obsessive Teachers appear on forums........ just recently on another forum, they barely got rid of.... it's either the character or the money that makes it so - not everyone can trade.

I'm not excusing myself at all - as I said, they slapped me on the cheek and I hit them back. You're getting on my nerves!!!

By the way, it was in the spirit of the thread, so I don't see anything supernatural in my behavior.)
You see - you didn't understand what I was talking about at all! And THEY say that not only do they get it, but I'm wrong too! And they can't tell you what it is.

they're like that most of the time... what do you expect from them...

So don't you confuse things either, the man came and offered to discuss, he didn't say - I know everything and will be your GURU)))
You do not confuse the issue! And learn to read between the lines. A man says in plain words that he is the GURA and he came to teach the rest - the type of tribute pays! The message is not now given of course, but above was - who needs to find it.