FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1588


the first one...

Server Muradasilov:

Who's pouring in at the moment, because there's movement on the eu?

Not all that glitters is gold and not everything you see in terms of volumes. There are a lot of people under the delusion that there are no financial operations on holidays and weekends.

There's nothing out there that interests me.
audi will soon disappoint (if the jump - skok did not happen...)
The Audi is about to disappoint (if the jump is not done...)
You know as much about that Audi as I do about the stars.
There's nothing there that interests me.

For you, yes, but others trade. Everyone has his own trading system. If everyone trades like that, there will be no market.

I'll come back later.

You're as good at that audit as I am at the stars.

sticks don't lie...

TR 0714

Server Muradasilov:

For you, yes, but others trade. Everyone has his own trading system. If everyone trades like you, there will be no market.

I'll come back later.

Yes, they're trading....
sticks don't lie...
For such fools, everything was laid out yesterday with Myth, keep running with the sticks.
For such fools yesterday with Myth, everything was laid out on the shelves, keep running with the sticks.

I've seen what you've laid out there...

And you'll also see the TP you're talking about.


By the way, on the pound TR5010 and into the pullback to the 5397 limit...

(but KUKL can also go over the top...)