FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1429



Speaking of platforms - Ninja is free for a couple of weeks and then it's back on. What can you say about Multichart? Is it possible to re-register there for free?
one month
a month
And after that?
Server Muradasilov:
It's not even ten in the morning, it's not too early to get bored :)
I'm not like that. It's a rare exception to the rule...)

and the discussion about the DTs is hitting here.

Closed the Euro with a loss of about 10%, I don't like the situation there, I don't want to visit 0546.

You shouldn't have!

and the discussion about the DTs is hitting here.

Closed the Euro with a loss of about 10%, I don't like the situation there, I don't want to visit 0546.

bravo !

strange confessed to the losses ....

praise for the honesty !


bravo !

the strange confessed to the losses ....

respect for the honesty!

Did i tell you i don't have any? Fifth time this year I've closed. No stops.
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
You shouldn't have!
There is one thing. The youngsters, i.e. the crowd, are in sales up to their balls, but I don't see any purchases from the mm side, I assume they will start from 0550, and I will buy there if they wake up.
Did I tell you I don't have any? Fifth time this year I've closed. No stops.

But at least re-open, at the new level, because we haven't reached 545 yet.

Psychic advice for the week, don't panic in vain, panic won't change anything anyway.

Alexey Busygin:

But at least re-open, at the new level, because we haven't reached 545 yet.

Psychic advice for the week, don't panic unnecessarily, panicking won't change anything anyway.

Son, panicking is for you, I make decisions and I do.