FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1158


any morals to be drawn ?

1) Before the news went down - we should have paid attention

2) at 3180 stop the bank - they are hunted

3) unity on the forum

more ideas ?

where do you look at these stops?

i tried to click on the links, it looks like crap...


where do you look at these stops?

I've been trying to follow the links, it's not working...

in the insta or roba meta sometimes in the news.


in a metaque from insta or roba sometimes appears in the news

The gnomorgans were written about above...
The above mentioned gnomorgans...

That's what I'm saying - there's a "news" in the terminal in metaque - sometimes it comes up ...

above is what you wrote about the gnomorgans....

you don't know Chih Puh from red? he was trading on them ... the idea that there is a hunt for them ... but he's gone missing .... the details are gone with him ...

where, however, is the strange with the adler ?
where are Strange and Adler, though?
Sitting on the sidelines, after a bad deal on the eu.

I got it, TR 1240...


At the end of September assumed that if we fall we will stop around 1.095. Fell later creating a false upside breakout. Dropped from support by the value of the channel.

On the daily chart we are approaching support. If we pull down, it will be around 1.02-1.03, but I doubt it will happen.

Who has thoughts about it?

from which frame?