FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1143


I think it's in the same place as new-rena.

I've long suspected it's the same person, under different guises. )))

Renka can code. It gives us a chance to believe it's a different face.
Thank you. (chuckles)

study the puppet theory...

The doll-zagon is simple. Yesterday the pound was gaining willingness to go to 1.44, and today it took it out in one fell swoop, now it's gaining new ones - join in).
Владимир Жириновский:
You mean the background of the graph? Like this? Then the profile will blend in with the background. I am also looking at the peaks on the profile.
What ticks half the screen is painted red.
It's easy with the doll-horse. Yesterday the pound got those willing to go 1.44, and today it took them out in one fell swoop, and now it is gaining new ones - join us)

I made a pound yesterday, didn't you?


I made a profit on the pound yesterday, didn't you?

Son, how much I made from the pound and how much is still hanging, I don't have to tell you, the whole branch will be up all night.
Bored is not the right word. Life without HIS guidance is meaningless, we wander in the dark with no one to show us the way....
Just like a light bearer.
Владимир Жириновский:
1.1265 /1.1250(Strange))everyone can see that.
Only will it get there? Won't it turn around before then? )

Thank you !
It will not go anywhere, it will reach 1.1160.
Alexey Busygin:
Just like a light bearer.

HE is our ALL!!!!

Alexey Busygin:
It will go nowhere, it will reach 1.1160

Nah, even before 1.12 I seriously doubt it.

Владимир Жириновский:
How down ?

Well if the euro has been rising the same way as the pound for the last 3 hours, then I'm a ballerina.



HE is our ALL!!!!

Nah, even before 1.12 I seriously doubt it.

Well, I don't doubt it.