FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 916

I'll close, I'll throw it after that.)


Вилли Токарев -- Рыбацкая
Вилли Токарев -- Рыбацкая
  • 2010.01.10
Вилли Токарев -- Рыбацкая ("Эх, хвост, чешуя..."). Песня начала 80-х, как минимум 1982, а может быть, и еще раньше Тут какие-то козлы права на нее заявили (с...
it's about forex almost))))
it's about forex almost))))
closed the pound...
closed the pound...

Ah, you got it. Good for you.

Strange isn't here. he would have smacked you) //he would have said 1.53...

My pictures are running in, and Strange seems to have the sistems depot increasing. That's what they say, but I haven't tried it and it looks like I won't have to anymore.

closed the pound...
I think there's still 1526 if you're intraday. Let's see.
Evgeniya Balchin:
I think there's still 1526 if you're intraday. Let's see.

I don't know how to count so accurately, no system (trouble...)

Bought a pound...


Ah, you got it. Good for you.

Strange isn't here. He'd have spanked you) //he was talking about 1.53...

My pictures are on run-in, and Strange seems to have systems depot increasing. That's what they say, but I haven't tried it and it looks like I won't have to.

...but it's calm, it's not much use and there's a lot of swearing...

added euras - tomorrow Draga...


but it's quiet, it's not much use and there's a lot of swearing...

added Evra - tomorrow Draga...

Yeah, Draghi will say everything he thinks about us))))

Oh, that's the moon, I'm shocked myself...


Yeah, Draghi will say all he thinks about us)))

Ooh, that's some moon drawn, I'm surprised myself....

limit 3299.
limit 3299

I don't know much about limits because I've never used them before. //or more accurately, I don't know anything about it at all.

And so in bold in the picture - this is the very beginning of the forex). This is a forecast for the mid- and long term, it turns out. For the eurik, only the short one came out for some reason.