FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 676

Calm down, you fools. Fora does not like emotion, and you have to take off your trousers and wave your %% and profits at the same time.
The main thing is not to trade --
Living a lie

My suggestion along these lines

your Solzhenitsyn.
And you are happy to listen. (But I won't give you any.)

Another school year
It's off to another start.
For which YOU are heartily congratulated
And, of course, we wish

Good luck and endless patience,
Exemplary students, a great mood.
To meet every new day with a smile,
Never be discouraged.

We won't disappoint YOU
And we won't get tired of repeating aloud,
What the best teacher we have,
You are very appreciated by our whole class!!!

The main thing is not to trade.
Living a lie

My suggestion along these lines

Zogman, so what do you need the stats for, are you trying to become an investor?))
Fucking Solzhenitsyn.
That's right))))

Wizard, hi)))

We appreciate and remember HIM, but HE scored)))


Vo, let's break the darkness!

What's it like out there?


Wizard, hi)))

We appreciate and remember HIM, but HE scored)))

Hi. Yeah, he's in the bathhouse for now.
But not to congratulate... just couldn't)))
Sorcerer, good to see you. For how long?

Vo, let's break the darkness!

How's it going out there?

Still not out in the wild?)))