If profitable EAs ? - page 2

George Merts:

If a TC cannot be formalised into code, it is not a TC

a profound conclusion -- it is finally clear why only 99% of participants trade consistently in the red
There will always be two strategies that will work - no rollover and "buy low, sell high" - it's all a question of money management.
Alexander Fedosov:
Share a mansion in the Canaries. I think you have 100 of them;)
They bring 12-20% p.a. and that's if you don't count swap, and they are different robots, on different systems and principles, but to raise profitability, with stable work for 5-15 years I can't do it.
There will always be two strategies that work - the "chumbleweed" and the "buy low, sell high" - the whole question is about money management.

No. Money management is just one part of the TS.

"The "no roll" strategy usually doesn't work, it is usually "loaded" with martingale, and this allows it to not drain for a while... However, a martingale is always a foregone conclusion. And the "buy low, sell high" thing... Thanks, KEP, I wish I knew how to tell where it is cheap and where it is expensive.

George Merts:

If a TC cannot be formalised into code, it is not a TC.

I didn't say you can't, you can, I just haven't seen such a TS work (not in a tester) for a long period of time (since 2000 and before).
The two strategies that will always work are "bailout" and "buy low, sell high" - it's all a question of money management.

the oscillator will not work even in theory -- because it assumes 100% entries to the plus side (here, one entry is a cycle of several consecutive openings) -- and this is impossible.

Manipulation has nothing to do with it.

p.s. if the simulator will work for less than 100% entries in the plus -- then it is not exactly a simulator

George Merts:

No. Money management is just one of the components of the TS.

"Chumbley" usually doesn't work, it is usually "loaded" with martingale and this allows it to not drain for a while... However, a martingale is always a foregone conclusion. And the "buy low, sell high" thing... Thanks, KEP, I wish I knew how to tell where it is cheap and where it is expensive.

Now I'm testing a manual moth - I set levels myself - I correct them once a day in the morning, TP according to volatility, money management selected "guaranteed profit".

For half a year on the demo, the Expert Advisor has been working by the principle "buy cheap, sell expensive" - it is impossible to determine the exact moment of evaluation - yes, I use Fibo martin - in tests the TS has been working since 2000, optimization was from 2010 to 2013 - so far I have not lost money.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

the oscillator will not work even in theory -- because it assumes 100% entries to the plus side (here, one entry is a cycle of several consecutive openings) -- and this is impossible.

Manipulation has nothing to do with it.

p.s. if the trolley will work less than 100% of entries to the plus -- then it is not really a trolley

I did not mean the Expert Advisor, but the strategy when the breakdown of the level in any direction is a signal to enter the market - on the contrary drift - exit. The idea is to determine the nearest support and resistance levels and limit TP to intraday volatility.
George Merts:

If a TS cannot be formalised into code, it is not a TS.

I have only one EA. When running in strategy tester since 2000 - stable profit. Since March 2014 - TS was worked out manually, there is PAMM on real, on the capital of $2000, at the moment there are $7000 funds. Since the beginning of this year TS was put on the full machine on the capital of $500, now there are $800 means.

It's not going to be enough.
If only the verse had come together.
If only the year had worked out.
If the world would wake up.
Would get a little lighter.
If indeed.
If the circle would close.
If we could.
To make a difference,

© Zemfira - If only...

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