Looking for a mentor, no matter forex or stock market - page 3

I'll answer straight away - WHO IS HOLY?
But if you test a man, you have to ask him a hundred times whether he will DO THE WORD.
Alexander Ivanov:
But then there is the question - Have you been a mentor for yourself?
It would be better if a person would get it all on their own ... It would certainly take more time, but it would be worth it ...
There's a 50/50 chance ... Everything depends on a person getting the basics, at least at the initial stages, whether he understands it or not ... You understand that not everyone can understand it, let alone trade successfully in the market.Why don't they ask teachers at universities or the state educational system? The answer is simple, a person says he wants to do it or it is up to me to decide.

I don't think it's 50-50,

even if you take the basics, there's a 99% chance you'll lose.

and only a few will make money....

like any creative endeavor.

- how many go to hollywood and how many become stars? how many physicists and how many got the Nobel Prize?

it's the same in forex.


even if he's taken the basics, there's a 99% chance he'll lose

And you're going to trade with the basics?)))) The basics is the foundation of the ladder of success ...
Alexander Ivanov:
I want to become a mentor. To test myself in mentoring.
For the sake of interest and what would you give a "comitment" to an apprentice ? The apprentice in ... will earn ... ?

And what is the probability that "taking the basics" student will earn - and not be a sinker like everyone else?

Let's be honest, it's still very, very low....

It is necessary to know the basics! It's like writing poems without knowing the language and grammar

And in general - there are things that are probably impossible to learn - they need to feel it yourself. Writing a novel is an art, an instinct developed over years or given from above
Daniil Stolnikov:
It is necessary to know the basics! This is like writing poems without knowing the language and grammar.

I don't argue with that, but it is easy to take from any book or a free course at a Forex company.

Another thing is to learn to make real money - here you need talent and luck, if it is possible at all.

Read the topic carefully and it was clear that the man does not understand what we were talking about ...
Read the topic carefully and it was already clear that the man does not understand what it's all about ...

This question comes to ALL newcomers !!!

(Even if you don't like the particular person who asked this question, I'm sure the topic will be very useful to many).

And it would be good to have a detailed discussion on this topic.