Looking for a mentor, no matter forex or stock market - page 2

% of profits or whatever else you are interested in
And if there is no profit from the trade? Who bears the risk of loss? ;-)
How will the profits not be there? So the strategy sucks .... I'll take a loss.
How can you not profit? It means the strategy sucks .... i'll take a loss.

If you find a good mentor, write

But of course I'm afraid that you'll be the only one who'll get the message.

How can you tell if a mentor is good or not?

Any fool can tell you the basics of trading, it's another matter to teach you how to win...

Hardly anyone who can teach.

And those who teach - if you can't do it yourself, teach others ....


If you find a good mentor, write

The problem is that, more often than not, beginners have no idea of the "length of the road".

Here you see - from the words "and if it does not profit, it means that the strategy sucks" implies thatthe trader is going to be just a copyist of free signals, and if the signals will be profitable - then pay for them (and here the question is how to ensure integrity).

However, few of very successful traders are interested in it.

Do you have at least some programming experience in C++ and/or VBA (for Excel)?

George Merts:

The problem is that, more often than not, beginners have no idea of the "length of the road".

Here you see - from the words "and if it does not profit, it means that the strategy sucks" it follows thatordinates is going to be just a copyist of free signals, and if signals will give profit - they will pay for them (and here the question is how to ensure honesty).

However, few of very successful traders are interested in it.

Do you have at least some programming experience in C++ and/or VBA (for Excel)?

In this case, it is the right way to PAMM or to the service signals. To instruct does not mean to give a grail, but to show the way, i.e. to teach the basics, which the author can't accept.
George Merts:

The problem is that, more often than not, newcomers have no idea of the 'length of the journey'.

Perhaps most do. But there are those who do.

And there's a second problem - most 'mentors' - look for suckers and bullshit.

George Merts:

Here, look - from the words "and if it does not profit, it means that the strategy sucks" it follows thatthe mentors are going to be just copyers of free signals, and if the signals will be profitable - then pay for them (and here the question is how to ensure fairness).

I don't think so, by the way Corny Smith is the author of "how to earn good money on forex" - it's the only book I`ve liked so far - I`ve paid him back once who didn`t earn any money...

George Merts:

However, not many successful traders are interested in it.

Maybe NO ONE among successful traders is interested in it? If there are any of them.

George Merts:

Ordinates, do you have at least some programming experience in C++ and/or VBA (for Excel)

A lot of hand traders, as I understand it, Nostradamus and Streinger seem to have it too.

Daniil Stolnikov:
Then this student needs to go directly to the PAMM or to the service signals. As for the raises, there is no need to adhere to the rules, but to show the way, i.e. to teach the basics, which the author cannot accept.

And what is the probability that "taking the basics" student will earn - and not be a sinker like everyone else?

Let's be honest, it is still very low....


And what is the probability that "taking the basics" student will earn - and not be a sinker like everyone else?

Let's be honest, it's still very, very slim....

Probability is 50/50 ... Everything depends on the individual, a person getting the basics will understand it or not at the initial stages ... You understand that not everyone can understand it, let alone trade successfully in the market .Why don't they ask teachers at universities or the state educational system? The answer is simple, a person says he wants to do it or it is up to me to decide.
I want to become a mentor. To test myself in mentoring.
But then there will be the question - Have you been a mentor to yourself?