Is it possible to refresh or open/close multiple MQ5 charts simultaneously?


I am monitoring over 20 forex pairs and working to fine tune technical indicators.  After settings are saved to Default template, how may I refresh all charts with default template?  It is very inconvenient to close all charts and reopen them one by one.  Is there an easy way to do it?


You don't close the charts; just apply the template to each one.
Load template for each chart is better than close/reopen.  But it is still not the easy way I want to refresh all charts simultaneously.

The “Refresh All” button is a simple and easy way to refresh all the pivot tables in a workbook with a single click. All you need to do it is Go to Data Tab ➜ Connections ➜ Refresh All

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Sasuke Uchiha #:

The “Refresh All” button is a simple and easy way to refresh all the pivot tables in a workbook with a single click. All you need to do it is Go to Data Tab ➜ Connections ➜ Refresh All

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Are you talking about Excel file?  We are here to talk about MT5 charts.
